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Development team of the Portuguese Web Archive project.

Photo of Daniel Gomes

Daniel Gomes: project leader.


Photo of André Nogueira

André Nogueira: responsible for the rARC development, a distributed system for replication archived contents across storage nodes on the Internet.


Photo of João Miranda

João Miranda: responsible for the Crawler and web publishing systems of the project.


Photo of Miguel Costa
Miguel Costa: responsible for the indexing and search systems over the archive.


Photo of André Nogueira

Simão Fontes: responsible for the development of a Grid Appliance for the Archive (GAppA).
FCCN - Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional POSC - Programa Operacional Sociedade do Conhecimento UMIC - Agência para a Sociedade do Conhecimento UE - União Europeia - FEDER - Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional