O Instituto de Informática tem por missão apoiar a definição das políticas e estratégias das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) do Ministério das Finanças e da Administração Pública (MFAP) e garantir o planeamento, concepção, execução e avaliação das iniciativas de informatização e actualização tecnológica dos respectivos serviços e organismos, assegurando uma gestão eficaz e racional dos recursos disponíveis.
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E-Gov 2.0: The Keys to Success: Choosing and Building the Pathway to Success Best Practices and Success Factors - Jun. 2009
2.6 MB
Improving Access to Government Through Better Use of the Web - Mai. 2009
391.4 kB
Current Web technology allows governments to share with the public a variety of information in
unlimited quantities on demand. Technology is also available to allow citizens to bring issues of
concern to the attention of local, regional and national governments. However, exploiting these
capabilities within government systems is a challenge that encompasses environmental, policy,
legal, and cultural issues. Establishing effective eGovernment requires openness, transparency,
collaboration and skill in taking advantage of the capabilities of the World Wide Web. The rich
potential for two-way dialogue between citizens and government creates a need for global
leadership. The W3C has an opportunity to provide guidance in support of eGovernment objectives
by promoting existing open Web standards and noting the challenges external to the Web and
Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/NOTE-egov-improving-20090512/
1 of 44 5/20/2009 3:41 PM
technology. There is also role for the W3C to facilitate the development and vetting of new open
Web standards needed by governments in context.
This document is an attempt to describe, but not yet solve, the variety of issues and challenges
faced by governments in their efforts to apply 21st century capabilities to eGovernment initiatives.
Detail and useful examples of existing, applicable open Web standards are provided. Where
government needs in the development of eGovernment services are not currently met by existing
standards, those gaps are noted.
Tribunais com Capacidade de Resposta: Resultados da Política de Descongestionamento 2006-2008 - Mai. 2009
728.2 kB
Neste documento o Ministério da Justiça faz um resumo das políticas de descongestionamento do sistema judicial implementadas nos últimos três anos.
FY 2008 Report to Congress on Implementation of The E-Government Act of 2002 - Mar. 2009
298.6 kB
Relatório anual do Office of Management and Budget dos EUA relativo à avaliação do progresso da implementação do eGovernment Act de 2002. Nesta sexta edição são analisados os projectos concluídos ao longo do ano fiscal de 2008.
Innovation Across Central Government - Mar. 2009
899.4 kB
Relatório do National Audit Office do Reino Unido avaliou vários casos de inovação dos serviços públicos britânicos a nível da Administração Central. O objectivo foi identificar o progresso feito desde a última edição deste relatório, apresentada em 2006.
Revisions and Additions to the Core List of ICT Indicators - Fev. 2009
368.3 kB
Este documento consiste numa revisão a uma lista de indocadores de Tecnologias de Informação criada em 2008 no âmbito do Global Event on Measuring the Information Society. Uma das novidades é a inclusão de novos indicadores para a Educação.
Simplex 2009 Quanto mais Simples, Melhor - Fev. 2009
3.8 MB
Esta é a mais recente versão do programa Simplex, que reune 200 medidas de modernização administrativa a concretizar até ao final de 2009.
A Roadmap for a Pan-European eIDM Framework by 2010 - Jan. 2009
159.3 kB
Identity is the dynamic collection of all attributes related to a specific entity, be it a
citizen, enterprise, or object. An identity is what allows an entity to be distinguished from
any other. This is what makes identity a key component in numerous economic, social
and administrative transactions. The ability to link a set of information to its owner and
the effective and secure handling of entity-specific data are essential to numerous
different interactions. To this end, organisational and technical infrastructures are
developed to define, designate and administer the identity attributes related to specific
groups of people, such as customers, patients or citizens. These infrastructures are
identity management systems.
Digital Britain the Interim Report - Jan. 2009
1.0 MB
Around the world digital and broadband technologies are reshaping our Communications, Entertainment, Information and Knowledge industries, the wider economy, and the way of life for all of us.We are at a point of transformation. The success of our manufacturing and services industries will increasingly be defined by their ability to use and develop digital technologies. A successful Britain must be a Digital Britain.
Digital technology has led to a quiet revolution over the past decade in our lives at work, at home and at leisure. Many of us now take for granted a world of constant communication; of large-scale data transfer from home to work and vice versa, leading to new, more transport-efficient and family-friendly patterns of working; hundreds of television and radio channels; user-generated content; instant connectedness with virtual communities of interest and friendship; and keeping extended family networks in touch with images as well as words.
Dinamarca - OECD Study on Digital Learning Resources as Systemic Innovation - Jan. 2009
431.5 kB
Documento da OCDE dedicado a analisar a utilização de recursos digitais para fins educativos.
FAQs to the Report on the State of Pan-European eID Initiatives - Jan. 2009
313.2 kB
Mid-Term Report of the European Commission Expert Group on e-Invoicing- Jan. 2009
200.3 kB
E-Invoicing has great potential but is being held back by a number of barriers to the
achievement of mass adoption. The Expert Group commenced its work in February 2008 and
this Mid-Term Report sets out a number of initial recommendations to remove or reduce these
barriers. Further work is required to elaborate these proposals – input would be welcome. The
expected deliverables of the Group are summarised and will be completed by the end of
2. The first chapter records that there are many instances where progress has been made and
there are a large number of success stories. The key benefits of e-Invoicing are reviewed
ranging from efficiency arguments, cost benefits, the green agenda, improved supply chains
and the liberation of resources for more productive work.
Report on the State of Pan-European eIDM Initiatives - Jan. 2009
1.2 MB
The development and deployment of electronic identity management (eIDM) solutions in European electronic applications stands at a crossroads. Over the past decade, European Member States and EEA countries have gradually rolled out identity management solutions that were best suited to their national goals and ambitions. The goals of such initiatives were uniformly the same: improving administrative efficiency, improving accessibility and user-friendliness, and above all, the reduction of costs. At the European level, these goals could be advanced by improving the interoperability of electronic identification/authentication solutions being offered at the national level. After all, by doing so, European citizens and businesses would be able to use applications in any European country, thus potentially benefiting citizens, businesses and administrations alike. Significant efforts have been made in recent years to chart the European interoperability difficulties related to electronic identities (eIDs) and to propose solutions to these problems.
Transparencyin Government - Jan. 2009
2.2 MB
Este documento apresenta várias perspectivas sobre a forma como os governos e as organizações vêem a transparência e a forma como a informação e disponibilizada aos cidadãos através das novas tecnologias. Inclui capítulos dedicados a temas como Democratização de Dados, Práticas de Trabalho em Governos ou Governo Colaborativo.
An Actor-Network Theory (ANT) Approach to Turkish E-Government Gateway Initiative - 2009
163.3 kB
There are various models proposed in the literature to analyze trajectories of e-
Government projects in terms of success and failure. Yet, only the Actor-Network
Theory (ANT) perspective (Heeks and Stanforth, 2007) considers the interaction
factors among network actors and actants. This paper proposes the ANT for
approaching to the Turkish e-Government Gateway initiative as a case study. In
doing so, it provides valuable insight in terms of both local and global actornetworks
which surround the initiative.
Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama - 2009
17.6 kB
Daring Decisions and Representative Municipal Democracy: An Exploration Within the New River Management in the Netherlands - 2009
66.9 kB
arenas’). The WaalWeelde project in the Netherlands, where new river management strategies
are designed with new groups of stakeholders, is one example. In this article the role of
political leadership in these processes of innovation is further explored. In order to mediate
between the transition arena, with its long term perspective and experimental character and
the conditions of the political domain in which short term results and public support are
dominant, it is assumed that a certain element of ‘daring’ within the democratic context is
In the exploration of daring decision- making, the article focuses on the role of the individual
municipal administrator as a mediator between a transition arena and the municipal context in
processes of public sector innovation. The most important finding is the importance that the
administrators ascribe to individual actors in decision- making processes. Their will to effect
change, their skills, resources and strategies are seen as vital in exercising their role as ‘policy
entrepreneur’. Linkages with theoretical literature are briefly explored.
Getting to Integration: Command and Control or Emergent Process - 2009
78.7 kB
For more than 20 years there has been much discussion in health and mental health
care circles about how to achieve improved organizational and service integration, on the
assumption that changes in structure may improve clinical outcomes. This paper reviews
some of the public and private sector literature about mergers and alliances and offers
observations on the extent to which collaboration is an emergent process that is
responsive to its particular environment and explores power dynamics and how trust and
flexibility affect outcomes in a positive or negative sense.
In Recognition of Ken Kernaghan - 2009
9.7 kB
Inspiring the Future of Mental Health and Addictions in New Zealand: The Blueprint Executive Leadership and Management Programmes - 2009
45.8 kB
Fostering leadership among mental health staff is a key initiative for New Zealand. The
Blueprint Executive Leadership and Management programme enables clinical leaders to learn
alongside consumer leaders and specialist services managers. This paper describes the
content and process of a national mental health leadership training programme that is
managed with input from one of New Zealand’s leading university management schools (the
University of Waikato School of Management). Such a partnership allows the delivery of a
highly credible, academic programme grounded in mental health sector insight thus
supporting a key goal of fostering a culture of professional development.
Introduction: leadership for Wicked Problems - 2009
68.6 kB
Leadership is the topic of the papers in this issue of The Innovation Journal. The
problems that we face are “wicked;” they are complex and defy simple formulations and easy
solutions. We need dynamic leadership and both transactional and transformative leadership
from our managers and leaders at all levels of organizations. Successful implementation is as
critical as effective policy and program development. Five core leadership competency areas are
described in The Leadership and Management Skill Set: personal skills and knowledge,
interpersonal (people) skills, transactional (execution, management) skills, transformational
skills, and policy and program knowledge. Public leadership and competent leaders will be keys
to success in the millennium.
Leadership and Organizational Strategy - 2009
63.2 kB
Strategic planning, an umbrella term used to include and summarize such activities as
planning, performance measurement, program budgeting, and the like, has proven to be very
useful but limited. It is a technical fix that gets at only part of the question of organizational
effectiveness and only deals with some of the dilemmas organizations face. The efforts of public
administrators to control organizational endeavors are essential, necessary, and aligned with
current best practices. But the control mechanisms ultimately prove to be only part of the puzzle.
In the face of such realities, the notion of strategic thinking emerges to fill the gaps and
overcome the limitations that experience with strategic planning has proven to exhibit. This
paper presents an integration of leadership ideas, strategic thinking and traditional planning
activities in an effort to make important connections and important distinctions. The result is an
outline of the foundations of strategic thinking.
Relatório Final da Consulta Pública - Simplex 2009 - 2009
658.1 kB
Neste documento é feita uma análise àsprincipais conclusões da consulta pública ao programa Simplex 2009, que decorreu entre 14 de janeiro e 1 de Fevereiro na Internet.
Simplex Programa de Simplificação Administrativa e Legislativa, Quanto mais Simples, Melhor (Orientações para a Simplificação)- 2009
108.8 kB
Este documento reune vários tópicos de orientação relativos à apresentação de propostas de medidas para o programa de modernização administrativa Simplex.
Study On User Satisfaction And Impact In EU27 - 2009
84.5 kB
This document reports on the process and the conclusions and presents the deliverables of a
study commissioned by the European Commission (hereafter call the ‘Commission’), DG
Information Society and Media concerning the measurement of user satisfaction and impact of
eGovernment services in the Member States. This study was undertaken by a consortium
composed of Deloitte Consultants and Indigov (a spin-off of the University of Leuven, Belgium) in
collaboration with Prof. Cristiano Codagnone of the University of Milan, Italy.
The Evaluation of a Local Whole Systems Intervention for Improved Team Working and Leadership in Mental Health Services - 2009
90.4 kB
Fourteen mental health teams covering community, inpatient, and primary care across
different NHS regions in England completed the pilot stage of the evaluation of a seven-day
focused local whole systems intervention for improved teamworking and leadership.
Outcome at the end of the programme was evaluated using measures of teamwork, team
effectiveness, staff burnout, job satisfaction and leadership style. Team working improved
significantly across the sample in terms of communication, support for innovation, clarity of
objectives and focus on quality. Although changes were in the desired direction for all the
other outcome measures they did not reach statistical significance. Exploring changes for
teams as a whole, perceptions of team working improved from the start to the finish of the
programme in 13 teams. Participant feedback from session to session of the programme was
positive. Action learning sets, user involvement, improved communication and small group
discussions were particularly well received. Ratings of the delivery of the programme were
also high across all 14 programmes. The study provides pointers for the development of
whole systems interventions in this key area of local service improvement.
The Practice of Collective and Strategic Leadership in the Public Sector - 2009
101.4 kB
Currently, a dyadic and hierarchical vision dominates in the literature on leadership as it does
in the public sector (Gronn, 2002; Hiller and Vance, 2006). The transactional and
transformational perspectives present leaders in relation with their subordinates or their
supporters. Yet, that is a truncated vision of the reality because it disregards the situation and
the other leaders present (Gronn, 2002, 2008; Raelin, 2005; Yukl, 1989). In the public sector,
since the leaders have limited control (Moynihan and Wallace-Ingraham, 2004) and coexist
collectively and in a dependent and independent manner (Raelin, 2005; Bourgault, 2007), I
propose that different leaders interact in complementarity at different levels of the practice of
Top-level Decisons Through Public Deliberation on the Internet: Evidence from the Evolution of Java Governance - 2009
668.2 kB
This study found internet-enabled public deliberation having a direct impact on top-level decisions and it identified institutional mechanisms by which this occurs. Most government initiatives aimed at promoting online deliberation all short of expectations. The participatory governance model developed in this study presents design and process parameters along which more interactive and engaging online experiences can be modeled. The applicability of the propositions is demonstrated by systematically collecting online data and analyzing public deliberation during the evolution of Java governance. Self-selection of participants and opposing views, mutual adjustment, and high influence combined with incremental decision-making were shown to be critical for institutionalizing a broadly supported governance approach.
Turquia - An Actor-Network Theory (ANT) Approach: Analysis to Turkish E-Government Gateway Initiative - 2009
163.3 kB
Este documento apresenta um caso de estudo onde a iniciativa e-Government Gateway do Governo turco é abordada sob a perspectiva da teoria Actor-Network.
Young People and Emerging Digital Services: An Exploratory Survey on Motivations, Perceptions and Acceptance of Risks - 2009
1.8 MB