O Instituto de Informática tem por missão apoiar a definição das políticas e estratégias das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) do Ministério das Finanças e da Administração Pública (MFAP) e garantir o planeamento, concepção, execução e avaliação das iniciativas de informatização e actualização tecnológica dos respectivos serviços e organismos, assegurando uma gestão eficaz e racional dos recursos disponíveis.
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Redes e Serviços de Comunicações
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Sistemas de Comunicações Móveis GSM/UMTS: Aferição da Qualidade de Serviço - Out. 2008
476.4 kB
A Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM) realizou uma avaliação da qualidade dos serviços
SMS (Serviço de Mensagens Curtas) e MMS (Serviço de Mensagens Multimédia), disponibilizados
pelos operadores OPTIMUS, TMN e VODAFONE, através da análise de parâmetros técnicos que
traduzem a percepção de qualidade na óptica do consumidor.
Stock Taking of Member States´Policies and Regulations related to resilience of public eCommunications Networks - Set. 2008
2.5 MB
The Stock Taking of Member States‘ Policies and Regulations related to Resilience of public eCommunications Networks is part of ENISA‘s Work Programme 20082. It aims at identifying at national level all relevant authorities (stakeholders) and focuses on their tasks, existing policy initiatives and regulatory provisions, exchange of information between authorities and providers, national risk management processes, and preparedness and recovery measures. The intention of the study and accordingly of the report is not to assess how well a country is doing or benchmarking Member States against each other. Far from it, instead it focuses on giving an accurate picture of the country‘s current situation. In turn, the issue is to provide an inventory that outlines the laws and regulations in place and, most importantly, how countries have managed to put the regulation into practice. This includes recommendations, best practice and other measures countries may have chosen to implement to improve resilience of their public e-communications networks.
Convergence in ICT services: Emerging regulatory responses to multiple play - Jun. 2008
390.2 kB
Este documento faz uma análise à forma como algumas autoridades reguladoras do sector das telecomunicações actuam em mercados multiple play e como as politicas de regulação servem para apoiar a introdução deste tipo de modelo de negócios.
Internet Protocol version 6 - Unleashing more Internet Addresses to support Growth in Europe - Mai. 2008
517.7 kB
The number and range of networked devices that use Internet addresses are still
increasing quickly: from PCs and mobile phones to RFID readers and in-car devices. As
demand for addresses continues to grow, it is time to start using the next generation
Internet Protocol: IPv6 will remedy that situation. Everyone will be able to participate
in the future of the Internet on an equal footing, allowing more kinds of networks and
a whole range of new innovative services and applications, including home energy
management, medical surveillance and new styles of media delivery.
The Broadband Efficiency Index: What Really Drives Broadband Adoption Across the OECD ? - Mai. 2008
1.9 MB
Este documento analisa a performance e a eficiência da adopção da banda larga nos países da OCDE, com base em factores económicos e demográficos. De acordo com os dados apresentados, Portugal é o terceiro país com uma melhor eficiência no que diz respeito à adopção da Internet de alta velocidade.
Report on the World Summit on the Information Society Stocktaking - 2008
4.4 MB
Broadband Services: Economic and Environment Benefits - Out. 2007
352.9 kB
People around the world are becoming more and more aware of and concerned about changes in the atmosphere due to extreme weather events, melting glaciers, and changing ecosystems. As the Washington Post noted in a special report about global warming and climate change, “broad scientific evidence suggests that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions have already triggered changes in the Earth’s climate and that more disruptive changes lie ahead.”2 The story discussed a range of costly and daunting measures to address the problem by reducing emissions. These include changes in waste and forestry management, building construction and transportation.
O papel das telecomunicações na construção da infra-estrutura para o futuro - Jun. 2007
1.9 MB
No contexto das capacidades inerentes a redes e infra-estruturas de
serviço modernas, mais do que restringir as opções a uma solução
tecnológica única (ou a um single provider) deve-se, perante a natureza
de utilização de cada serviço/necessidade, identificar a opção que fará
mais sentido.
Mais do que procurar o “one fits all”, deve-se procurar
Availability and Robustness of Electronics Communications Infrastructures - "The Areci Study": Anexo 1 - Mar. 2007
826.5 kB
Availability and Robustness of Electronics Communications Infrastructures - "The Areci Study": Anexo 2 - Mar. 2007
6.2 MB
Availability and Robustness of Electronics Communications Infrastructures - "The Areci Study" - Mar. 2007
2.2 MB
The Study on Availability and Robustness of Electronic Communications
Infrastructures (ARECI) was conducted for the European Commission. This Final
Report of the ARECI Study presents ten Recommendations to European Institutions,
Member States and Private Sector stakeholders. These Recommendations, if
implemented, will significantly enhance the availability and robustness of Europe’s
communications networks.
E-Communications Household Survey - Nov-Dez.2006
5.8 MB
Since the full opening of EU electronic communications markets in 1998, the
consumption of services by European households and individuals has considerably
evolved. Driven by technological progress and competition, fixed and wireless network
operators are upgrading existing infrastructures to enable higher data speeds and
delivery of converged products.
E-Communications Household Survey - Nov-Dez.2006
2.5 MB
Since the full opening of EU electronic communications markets in 1998, the
consumption of services by European households and individuals has considerably
evolved. Driven by technological progress and competition, fixed and wireless network
operators are upgrading existing infrastructures to enable higher data speeds and
delivery of converged products.
Pôr fim aos desníveis em matéria de banda larga - Comunicação da Comissão ao Conselho, ao Parlamento Europeu, ao Comité Económico e Social Europeu e ao Comité das Regiões - Mar. 2006
148.5 kB
A presente Comunicação centra-se na clivagem territorial existente em matéria de acesso em
banda larga. A Comunicação pretende sensibilizar os governos e as instituições a todos os
níveis para a importância dessa clivagem e para o problema da falta de serviços adequados de
banda larga nas zonas menos desenvolvidas da União. A Comunicação responde a uma das
prioridades da iniciativa i2010 – Uma sociedade da informação europeia para o crescimento e
o emprego2.
The EU and its electronic communications policy - 2006
3.5 MB
Digital Divide Forum Report: Broadband Access and Public support in under-served areas - Commission of the European Communities - Jul. 2005
356.4 kB
The report is divided in three parts. The first chapter looks at market developments in urban,
suburban and rural areas of the EU15/EEA. The second chapter compares costs and
performance between alternative technologies. The third chapter provides information on the
implementation of national broadband strategies in some Member States and on the state-aid
case law currently being developed by the European Commission.
Transforming Enterprise Communications - Nov. 2002
775.8 kB
This white paper, written by IDC and commissioned by Nortel
Networks, discusses the strategies available to enterprises for
transforming their enterprise communications infrastructure to
deliver improved business continuity and application availability
at reduced costs.
Architecture Guidelines For Trans-European Telematics Networks for Administrations Version 6.1 - Annexes - Jun. 2002
407.4 kB
Architecture Guidelines For Trans-European Telematics Networks for Administrations Version 6.1 - Jun. 2002
496.8 kB
Device and Service Discovery in Bluetooth Networks - Jun. 2002
613.7 kB
Bluetooth has become the de facto standard for short range wireless communication. Over 2000
companies have registered their interest in the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). Although
Bluetooth products are already being shipped, many aspects of Bluetooth are still uncharted
territory. Among these are the timing of Bluetooth service discovery. Several companies are
trying to adopt Bluetooth standard to a sort of mini cellular network to complement the existing
2G and 3G networks and even compete against them. These companies will have to consider
several aspects of Bluetooth and the fact that the technology was not built with such systems in
Secure Telecommuting for Shared Broadband Access Points
213.6 kB
This white paper explores the risks posed by home networking and
shared broadband access, and explains why conventional telecommuter
firewalls fail to provide complete protection. The paper then describes a
new-generation VPN firewall, SonicWALL’s TELE3 TZX with an
integrated 4-port switch that provides the first comprehensive, costeffective
solution to the problem. The TELE3 TZX isolates an employee’s
corporate computer from other household systems, shielding their VPN
connection and the corporate network from vulnerable home networks.
With the TELE3 TZX, network administrators can finally secure VPN
endpoints easily and economically, even in heterogeneous home network