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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > International Relations  > Scope of Activities  > Bilateral Cooperation

Bilateral Cooperation

Participation in Actions within the Bilateral Cooperation:

  • Brazil
    • Series of 4 video-conferences Portugal-Brazil for the preparation of a Cooperation Program (March 17, April 8, Abril 28, May 18, 2009, coordinated by Luis Magalhães (President of UMIC) in Portugal, and by José Monserrat Filho (Head of the International Affairs Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil) in Brazil. Outher Portuguese participants: Pedro Veiga (FCCN), Lígia Amâncio (FCT), Lino Fernandes (AdI) and Gaspar Barreira (LIP). In the last video-conference was reached final agreement on the wording of 5 bilateral cooperation agreements, to be considered ministerially:
      • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on strengthening the Portuguese language in the Information Society, through open access scientific repositories, dissemination of resources for the computational processing of Portuguese language, measurement of Web contents in Portuguese, and archive of the Web;
      • Protocol on Grid Computing;
      • Protocol on R&D in Nanotechnology;
      • Protocol on joint participation in EUREKA and IBEROEKA projects;
      • MoU on joint support of research in Social Sciences and Humanities in the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP – Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa).

      It is planned the direct involvement of UMIC in the implementation of the first 4 agreements.
  • Cape Verde
  • Spain
    • Lanunching of the voluntary computing for scientific purposes IBERCIVIS in Portugal (text in Portuguese), as part of the Science 2009 – Meeting with Science in Portugal, July 30, 2009, Lisbon, with the participation of Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC, Gaspar Barreira, Director of LIP, Pedro Abreu, of LIP, Rui Brito, of CNC and FCTUC, and Carlos Simões, of CNC and FCTUC. The extension of the IBERCIVIS initiative to Portugal was stimulated by UMIC through a videoconference (Julho 21, 2009) and several meetings (23-27 July 2009 in Saragozza, 5-7 May 2009 in Saragozza, January 12, 2009 in Madrid, 7-8 July 2008 in Trujillo).
    • Meeting on the "EU Financial Persoectives" in the area of Science, technology and Innovation (text in Portuguese), January 29, 2009, Madrid: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC, and Ana Cristina Neves, Head of International Relations of UMIC.
    • XXIV Portugal-Spain Summit (text in Portuguese), 21-22 January 2009, Zamora, in the Delegation of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
      At the summit several MoU were signed involving UMIC in whose preparation the UMIC actively participated, including:
      • International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL);
      • Strengthening of electronic networks for research and education in Spain and Portugal and their interconnection;
      • Grid Computing, Supercomputing and scientific data repositories.
    • Coordination Meeting of the e-Science Initiatives of Portugal and Spain (in Portuguese), January 12, 2009, Madrid: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC; Pedro Veiga President of FCCN; Gaspar Barreira, Director of LIP; Jorge Gomes, of LIP; Daniel Gomes, of FCCN; Rui Brito, of CNC and FCTUC.
    • Creation of IBERGRID – Joint Iberian Infrastructure Ibérica of Grid Computing (3rd IBERGRID Conference (in Portuguese), 20-22 May 2009, Valencia;Coordination Meeting of the e-Science Initiatives of Portugal and Spain (in Portuguese), January 12, 2009, Madrid; 2nd IBERGRID Conference (in Portuguese), 1-14 May 2008, Porto; Meeting of Coordination of the IBERGRID, July 24, 2007, Valencia; 1st IBERGRID Conference (in Portuguese), May 14, 2007, Santiago de Compostela; Meeting of Coordination of the National Grid Initiatives of Portugal and Spain for the creation of IBERGRID, November 12, 2006, Braga; XXI Portugal-Spain Summit (in Portuguese), 18-19 November 2005, Évora, where a MoU that created IBERGRID was signed.
    • XXIII Portugal-Spain Summit (in Portuguese), January 18, 2008, Braga, in the Delegation of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
      At this summit it was launched, in the precise land site for installation of the INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, the beginning of the construction of the laboratory and the signature between Portugal and the INL of the Headquarters Agreement which was later subjected to parliamentary approval in Portugal.
    • Signing of a Cooperation Protocol by the Portuguese universities of Aveiro, Porto and Minho e by the Galician Universities of A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo, creating a joint PhD Program on Nanomedicine (in Portuguese), January 16, 2008, Porto. This initiative obtained the involvement of 18 Portuguese R&D institutions, including 10 Associate Laboratories, and it is open to collaboration with other institutions, companies and research centers that intend to contribute to its objectives, and particularly with INL. UMIC was involved in encouraging the signing of the protocol through its President: Luis Magalhães.
    • Portugal-Spain Meeting of Nanotechnology Laboratories which  had as participants (list in Portuguese)  the leaders of the main nanoscience and nanotechnology laboratories of both countries or their representatives, the coordinators of the Nanotechnology Network of Spain and the Nanotechnology Network of Portugal, and representatives of the ministries of science of both countries, on Fevereiro 23, 2007, in the premises of the Installation Commission of INL, Braga: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
    • XXII Portugal-Spain (in Portuguese), 24-25 November 2006, Badajoz, in the Delegation of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
      In this summit the Convention approving the Statutes of the INL as an international organization of research was signed by the President of the Government of Spain and the Prime Minister of Portugal, opening the way for its submission in 2007 to parliamentary approval and ratification of the Heads of State in the two countries. The Convention was based on the Report of the Technical Committee appointed at the XXI Portugal-Spain Summit for preparing the creation of an R&D Institute Portugal-Spain, whose Portuguese delegation was led by Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
    • Meetings of the Technical Commissions created by the MoU signed at the XXI Portugal-Spain Summit (in Portuguese), October 2, 2006, Madrid, including those that involve UMIC (creation and joint operation of a R&D Institute Portugal-Spain; Grid Computing; Scientific and Technologic Cooperation Plans in Specific Domains), the coordination of the Portuguese delegation in the first two technical commissions was by the President of UMIC: Luis Magalhães.
    • XXI Portugal-Spain Summit (in Portuguese), 18-19 November 2005, Évora, in the Delegation of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
      In this summit several MoUs involving UMIC were signed, namely regarding to:
      • Creation and operation of a joint R&D Institute Portugal-Spain, establishing the basis of what was to become the INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory and appointing a Technical Committee to prepare a detailed proposal, including the definition of the initial lines of the scientific and technical activities to be developed, the operation and funding model, the opportunities and possible benefits of concentrating activities in work areas of nanotechnology, Grid computing, biotechnology and biomedicine, energy, risk management and critical infrastructures. UMIC was one of the Portuguese entities indicated to integrate the Technical Commission and its President was charged of coordinating the Portuguese delegation in the Commission.
      • Information Society. Provides for regular exchange of information, experiences and technical know-how, and the study and implementation of joint and coordinated activities and projects.
      • Grid Computing. Provides for cooperation in Grid Computing, including the coordination of the infrastructures of both countries leading to what turned out to be IBERGRID.
      • Research and Education Electronic Networks. Establishes the coordinated connection of the National Research and Education Networks of the two countries through a redundant optical fiber ring property of these networks themselves, with links at the border with Northern Portugal and Galicia and at the Eastern border with the Spanish Extremadura.
      • Development of Scientific and Technological Cooperation Plans in specific areas, with a view of enhancing mutual capacities for international intervention, including the R&D that involves Grid Computing, and R&D in nanotechnology.
  • India
    • Official Visit of the President of the Republic to India, 9-17 January 2007, New Delhi, Goa, Bombay, Bangalore, in the delegation: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC. In New Dehli there were bilateral meetings with the Ministry of Science of India, and in Goa there was a work meeting at the National Institute of Oceanography Dona Paula.
  • Republic of Korea
    • Bilateral Meeting at The Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and signing of the “Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of the Portuguese Republic and the Ministry of Information and Communication of the Republic of Korea on Co-operation in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)” at the Official Residence of the Prime Minister, and “ICT Cooperative Committee Inaugural Meeting”, June 9, 2006, Lisbon, participation of Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
    • Visit to Seul, including the Computarization, the signing of a MoU for cooperation in ICT, and the Ministry Education, Science and Technology, 14-18 October 2005, in the delegation of the Minister of Science, technology and Higher Education: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
  • Popular Republic of China
    • Visit to Beijing with meetings with the Ministry of Science and Technology and with the Ministry of Education of China, 18-21 October 2005, in the delegation of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
Last updated ( 17/05/2010 )