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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Digital Content  > Projects  > Educational and Cultural Content

Educational and Cultural Content

A broad selection of educational content has been developed at universities and polytechnic institutes as part of the Campus Virtual (e-U) projects. Furthermore, a call for tender for the production of educational content was conducted in the area of elementary and secondary education, leading to 256 projects being approved, which are still in progress.

A call for projects was launched under the Knowledge Society Operational Programme to develop content aimed at extending broadband use between February and April 2006.

This led to several projects providing digital content from libraries, archives, museums and other public-interest collections in both central government bodies and local administrations. To name but a few examples:

Also in the scope of the Digital Cities and Regions projects, significant developments have been made in local cultural content, which, taken as a whole, has become sizeable.

Last updated ( 29/04/2010 )