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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > International Relations  > Scope of Activities  > EU - European Union

EU - European Union


Committees/Groups in which UMIC Assures the Representation or Participation of Portugal and respective delegates within the EU:

  • Support to the TTE (Telecommunications and Information Society) Council of Ministers
    • Meetings of the TTE (Telecommunications and Information Society) Council
      • Luxembourg, 8-9 Junho 2006, in the delegation of the Secretary of State of Science, Technology and Higher Education: Pedro Ferreira, Member of the Board of Directors of UMIC.
      • Brussels, December 1, 2005, in the delegation of the Secretary of State of Science, Technology and Higher Education: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
    • Meetings during the Portuguese Presidency of the EU Council, July-December 2007
    • Preparatory Meetings of the Portuguese Presidency of the EU Council
      • Meeting of Fábio Colasanti, Director-General of DG INFSO, January 24, Brussels: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
    • Ministerial Conferences
      • Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion, Vienna, November 30 to December 2, 2008, participation of Graça Simões, Member of the Board of Directors of UMIC, António Mendes dos Santos, Jorge Fernandes, Margarida Ribeiro e Cláudia Cardoso of UMIC.
      • Ministerial Conference on Future Internet, Nice, October 6, 2008, in representation of Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC. Other participants: Ana Cristina Neves, Head of International Relations ofUMIC.
      • EUROMED Ministerial Conference on the Information Society, Cairo, 26-27 February, 2008, in the delegation of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
        This conference was preceded by a meeting of Senior Officials: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
      • Ministerial Conference of ICT for na Inclusive Society, Riga, 11-13 June 2006. The Portuguesa delegation was headed on the 12th of June by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, José Mariano Gago, and on the other days by the President of UMIC, Luis Magalhães. The Portuguese delegation also integrated: Rui Marques, High Commissioner for the Immigration and Ethnic Minorities; Graça Simões, Member of the Board of Directors of UMIC; Francisco Godinho, Professor of UTAD; Jorge Fernandes and Cláudia Cardoso of UMIC.
      • 3th Ministerial Conference on eGovernment, Manchester, 23-25 November, 2005, in representation of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC. Other participants of UMIC: Anabela Pedroso, Vogal do Conselho Directivo; Matilde Cardoso.
    • Meetings of the Telecom/INFSO Working Party
      The Telecom/INFSO Working Party prepares the Telecommunications and Information Society Councils of Ministers. UMIC is the national entity responsible for advising this Working Party in the area of Information Society.
  • Support to the Competitiveness (Research) Council of Ministers
    • Meetings during the Portuguese Presidency of the EU Council, July-December 2007
    • Meetings of the Research Working Party
      This working party prepares the Councils of Ministers on Research and Technological Development (RTD). UMIC is the national entity responsible for advising this working party in the area of RTD on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
    • CREST Scientific and Technical Research Committee
      National Delegate at Director-General level: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC (Others: João Sentieiro, President of the Science and Technology Foundation and Lígia Amâncio, Vice-President of FCT). National Delegate: Ana Cristina Neves, Head of International Relations of UMIC (Others: Ana Faísca, Director of the Department of European, Bilateral and Multilateral Relations of FCT).
      The CREST is a High level Committee for advising the Council and the Commission whose functions are:
      1. The identification of strategic priorities of EU policy, based on criteria of added value, respecting the principle of subsidiarity and contributing in this way to the preparation by the Commission of the EU RTD programs, including through comparative analyses of the Member States policies on RTD;
      2. The promotion of the coordination by the Community and the Member States of their actions on RTD, in order to ensure mutual consistency of national and Community policies;
      3. The assessment of the independent evaluation of specific programs and the Framework Programme of RTD, in particular supported on the program committees, and extracting from this assessment useful lessons for the EU RTD policy;
      4. The contribution to the formulation of the Community strategy on international cooperation in research and for its consertation within the Community, in view of the work of international instances.

      The CREST is also involved in the following activities:

      • Dissemination and exploitation of results of RTD and demonstration activities and their impact on competitiveness and employment in the Community;
      • Training activities by and for research and their response the needs of innovation.
    • High level Group of SFIC – Strategic Forum for International S&T Cooperation
      National Delegate: Ana Cristina Neves, Head of International Relations of UMIC.
      SFIC is a specific configuration of CREST dedicated to facilitate the development, implementation and monitoring of the international dimension of the European Research Area, in particular by identifying common priorities that can lead to joint or coordinated initiatives, and coordinating activities and positions relative to third-countries in international fora.
  • Comittes/Groups at Director-General level
    • i2010 HLIG i2010 High Level Group
      National Delegate: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
      The i2010 HLG advises the European Commission in the implementation and development of the i2010 strategy. This group consists of representatives of the Member States at Director
    • HLIG – High Level Group on Internet Governance
      National Delegate: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
      The High Level Group on Internet Governance is and informal expert group that advises the European Commission.
    • Forum of National ICT Research Directors
      National Delegate: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
      The Forum of National ICT Research Directors consists of the Director-Generals responsible for ICT research in the 27 EU Member States and other countries associated with the EU Framework Programme on RTD whose objective is to discuss key policy and implementation of the development of the European Research Area in ICT.
    • FIF - Future Internet Forum
      National Delegate: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
    • General Assembly of the Ambient Assisting Living Association of the Joint Programme AAL – Ambient Assisted Living
      National Delegate: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
      National Delegate alternate: António Mendes dos Santos, UMIC.
    • Policy Committee of the EGI – European Grid Initiative
      National Delegate: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
      The Policy Committee of the EGI, initially denominated “Advisory Board of EGI”, elected at the beginning of its activities in 2007 Professor Gaspar Barreira, Director of the Portuguese LIP – Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics, for its interim President during the definition and adoption of its regulations, and upon completion of this phase elected him for a regular term as President of the Policy Committee.
  • Subgroups of the i2010 High Level Group and associated groups and committees
    • Preparatory Group of the i2010 High Level Group
      National Delegate: Ana Cristina Neves, Head of International Relations of UMIC.
    • Working Group on Information Society Statistics (in connection with EUROSTAT) National Delegate: Graça Simões, Member of the Board of Directors of UMIC who coordinates the Portuguese Observatory of the Information and Knowledge Society (OSIC) and Chairs the Working Group on Monitoring the Information Society Statistics operating within the National Higher Statistical Council. The Working Group on Information Society Statistics is composed of representatives of Member States and advises the i2010 High Level Group and the European Commission on the i2010 Benchmarking framework and on its further development under the Lisbon Strategy.
    • i2010 Ad Hoc Benchmarking Group
      National Delegate: Graça Simões, Member of the Board of Directors of UMIC who coordinates the Portuguese Observatory of the Information and Knowledge Society (OSIC) and Chairs the Working Group on Monitoring the Information Society Statistics operating within the National Higher Statistical Council.
    • Broadband Subgroup of the i2010 High Level Group “i2010 Broadband Performance Index”
      National Delegate: Pedro Ferreira, Member of the Board of Directors of UMIC.
    • eInclusion Subgroup of the i2010 High Level Group
      National Delegate: Bruno Fragoso, UMIC.
      This Subgroup advises the i2010 High Level Group and the European Commission in the preparion of initiatives on eInclusion
    • Experts Groups on eAccessibility (within the i2010 eInclusion Subgroup)
      National Delegate: Francisco Godinho (UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro).
    • Ad Hoc Experts Subgroup on Inclusive eGovernment
      National Expert: António Mendes dos Santos.
    • EDeAN – EDeAN – European Design for All e-Accessibility Network
  • ENISA – European Network and Information Security Agency
    • Management Board of ENISA – European Network and Information Security Agency
      National Delegate: Pedro Veiga, President of FCCN – Foundation for the National Scientific Computation.
      UMIC is the public agency responsible for following the activities of this Agency.
      The European Network and Information Society Agency acts as a center of competence for the Member States and the EU institutions, namely in the following aspects:
      1. Advice and assistance to the European Commission and Member States on information security and on how to deal with problems related to security of hardware and software, in dialogue with industry;
      2. Gathering and analysis of data on security incidents in Europe and new ventures;
      3. Promotion of risk assessment and risk management methods to improve our ability to react to threats to information security;
      4. Exchange of best practices in awareness and cooperation between different actors in the field of information security, including through developing public-private partnerships with industry in this area.
      5. Monitoring the development of standards for products and services for communications networks and the information society
  • ICT Policy Support Programme (PSP) of the CIP Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013)
    • Management Committee of the ICT PSP
      National Delegate: Ana Cristina Neves, Head of International Relations of UMIC.
      The ICT PSP ICT Policy Support Programme appears in the general contexto of the i2010 initiative, within the CIP - Competitiveness and Innovation Programme, which aims at promoting economic growth and employment in Europe.
      The ICT PSP is the 2nd pillar of CIP and aims to promote innovation in Europe and the development of a competitive and inclusive Information Society, through the implementation of innovative solutions for a better use of ICT by citizens, enterprises and governments  of the participating countries.
      The CIP ICT Committee consists of representatives of Member States and assists the European Commission in the Programme implementation, in particular in the preparation of the annual work plans.
    • National Contact Point of the ICT PSP
      Elisabete Pires, UMIC. E-mail:
      As responsible for National Contact Point of this Programme, the UMIC:
      • Provides additional information on the programme and the on the calls for proposals in progress;
      • Advises in seeking international partners for the establishment of consortia eligible for calls for proposals;
      • Informs on the formalities to be assured in the submission of proposals to meet the essential requirements that are necessary for their eligibility.
  • Joint Programme on AAL Ambient Assisted Living
    • Management Committee of AAL
      National Delegate: António Mendes dos Santos, UMIC.
      The AAL – Ambient Assisted Living Programme aims to fund European R&D projects in the area of intelligent assisted living environments enabled by ICT and acts within Article 169 of the Treaty on European Community. The Research Programs developed under this article of the Treaty allow Member States to voluntarily engage on programmes that reinforce cooperation between Member States by obtaining community funds that complement national funds.
      This programme was negotiated and approved under the Portuguese Presidency of the EU in the 2nd semester of 2007, and the action of the Portuguese Presidency, in particular, through UMIC was crucial to overcoming obstacles that were taking for granted the need to postpone this programme approval.
      UMIC is the national agency involved in the management of the AAL Programme, and FCT is the mational funding agency.
    • National Contact Point of AAL
      António Mendes dos Santos, UMIC. E-mail:
      As responsible for National Contact Point of this Programme, the UMIC:
      • Provides additional information on the programme and the on the calls for proposals in progress;
      • Advises in seeking international partners for the establishment of consortia eligible for calls for proposals;
      • Informs on the formalities to be assured in the submission of proposals to meet the essential requirements that are necessary for their eligibility.
  • Safer Internet Plus Programme
    • Management Committe of the Safer Internet Programme
      National Delegate: Charlotte Simões, UMIC. E-mail:
      The Safer Internet Programme is a pluriannual Community Programme (2009-2013) that aims to promote safer use of Internet and other communication technologies, in particular by children, and to fight against illegal content and harmful conduct in the Internet. The program supports the following actions:
      • Public awareness;
      • Fight against illegal content and harmful conduct online;
      • Promotion of a safer online environment;
      • Creation of a knowledge base.
      The Management Committee of the Safer Internet Programme is composed of representatives of Member States and it assists the Commission in implementing this pluriannual Community Programme, in particular in the preparation of annual work plans.

    • National Contact Point of the Safer Internet Programme
      Bruno Fragoso. Email:
      As responsible for National Contact Point of this Programme, the UMIC:
      • Provides additional information on the programme and the on the calls for proposals in progress;
      • Advises in seeking international partners for the establishment of consortia eligible for calls for proposals;
      • Informs on the formalities to be assured in the submission of proposals to meet the essential requirements that are necessary for their eligibility.
    • Insafe - European network of e-safety awareness nodes
  • ETPs - European Technology Platforms
    The European Technology Platforms (ETPs) bring together researchers, universities, enterprises and other stakeholders with the objective of defining strategic research agendas and identifying priorities in specific areas of research to meet the challenges of technological change.
  • Outros Groups/Committes within EU
    • Informal Internet Group (Preparatory Group of the EU position at GAC – Government Advisory Group of ICANN.
      National Delegate: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
      National Delegate alternate: Ana Cristina Neves, Head of International Relations of UMIC.
      The Informal Internet Group is chaired by the Commission and normally meets before each meeting of the ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, as a way to share the positions that Member States are willing to take during the meetings of the GAC – Governmental Advisory Committee.
    • Task Force IPv6
    • Expert Group on eSkills and eLearning
    • Implementation of the .eu Top Level Domain Group.
Last updated ( 17/05/2010 )