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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Digital Content  > Projects  > Archive of the Portuguese Web

Archive of the Portuguese Web

In early 2008 began the systematic process of archiving of the Portuguese Web content, i.e., the pages of domains under the Top Level Country Code .pt, by gathering and storing complete snapshots every two months. Earlier content of domains under .pt that had been previously gathered by the Internet Archive was purchased to this organization in order to be also preserved within the Archive of the Portuguese Web.

The Archive of the Portuguese Web project is implemented by FCCN – Foundation for National Scientific Computing, with funding from the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) and in 2009 was co-financed by the Operational Programme for the Knowledge Society (POSC).

In October 2009, the ministers of science and technology of Portugal and Brazil signed a protocol of cooperation regarding the Web Archive projects of both countries. In a first phase, the Brazilian component will consist of the contents of the Web domains in sites of institutions served by the Brazilian National Research and Education Network.

Last updated ( 23/04/2010 )