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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Creative Commons arrive in Portugal

Creative Commons Logotype The Portuguese version of the Creative Commons Licenses is being launched on 13th November 2006 by UMIC - Knowledge Society Agency, in partnership with the FCEE-UCP - Faculty of Economic and Entrepreneurial Sciences of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and INTELI – Intelligence in Innovation. This launch follows on from a period of prior work with iCommons, the body that manages these licenses internationally, which began slightly over six months ago and involved translating these licenses and adapting them to the Portuguese legal framework, a period of public consultation, and then, finally, these licenses were made available in Portugal at

As Licenças Creative Commons permitem a partilha aberta de conhecimento e obras pelos seus autores de uma forma simples, eficaz e muito flexível, disponibilizando um conjunto de licenças padrão que garantem protecção e liberdade – com alguns direitos reservados.
Estas licenças são inteiramente gratuitas. Situam-se entre os direitos de autor (todos os direitos reservados) e o domínio público. Através das Licenças Creative Commons o autor define as condições sob as quais a obra é partilhada, de forma pró-activa e construtiva, com terceiros, sendo que todas as licenças requerem que seja dado crédito ao autor da obra, da forma por ele especificada.


Attribution (by)
Chancela Licença by
Choose by license
This is the most permissive of all the options. Under the terms of this license, the work can be used free of charge and for commercial purposes or users can create works based on the original work. The only essential aspect is that credit should be given to the author, where due.

Attribution – Non-commercial Use (by-nc)
Chancela Licença by-nc
Choose by-nc license
Under this license, the author allows considerable use of his/her work, The only restriction is that it cannot be used for commercial gain. It is also essential that credit should be given to the author, where due.

Attribution – Share Alike (by-sa)
Chancela Licença by-sa
Choose by-sa license
When an author opts for such a license, he/she seeks credit not only for creating the work, but also for works derived from it to be licensed under the same terms as his/her own original work. This license is often compared with freeware licenses.

Attribution – No Derivative works (by-nd)
Chancela Licença by-nd
Choose by-nd license
This license enables commercial or non-commercial redistribution, provided the work is used in an unchanged and integral fashion. It is also essential that credit should be given to the author of the original work, where due.

Attribution – Non-Commercial Use - Share Alike (by-nc-sa)
Chancela Licença by-nc-sa
Choose by-nc-sa license
Under the terms of this license, commercial use of the licensed work is not allowed and derivative works must be licensed as per the terms governing the original. It is also essential that credit should be given to the author of the original work, where due.

Attribution – Non-Commercial Use - No Derivative works (by-nc-nd)
Chancela Licença by-nc-nd
Choose by-nc-nd license
This is the most restrictive of all the options available to the author, enabling only redistribution. By using this license, both commercial use and derivative works are outlawed. Due to its very nature, this license is often dubbed the “free publicity” license.

Examples of CC application:

MIT provides access to subject content
MIT is making the content taught on many of its programmes available via the MIT OpenCourseware service under a CC license. Some of its teaching staff, such as Prof. Eric Von Hippel of the Sloan School of Management, allow full access to some of their books, whereby any Internet user anywhere in the world can download them online and print them.

Pearl Jam launch a new single online with Creative Commons licenses
Pearl Jam covered unchartered territory by launching the new single “Life Wasted” with a Creative Commons license (non-commercial-no derivative works attribution). In this way, anyone anywhere can legally copy, distribute and share the video clip.

Microsoft encourages use of Creative Commons licenses
The Microsoft Corporation has recently launched an “add-in” that enables users to license any Microsoft Office document with Creative Commons licenses. The first document to be licensed with this technology was the speech given by the Brazilian Minister for Culture, Gilberto Gil, at the Creative Commons 2006 Summit in Rio de Janeiro.

Last updated ( 10/05/2010 )