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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > e-Science  > Projects  > Linguateca


Linguateca is a distributed resource centre for the computational processing of the Portuguese language which has the aim of:

  • Facilitating access to existing resources, through developing network access services, and maintaining a portal which provides useful information.
  • Developing resources considered more urgent in cooperation with interested parties in a harmonious manner.
  • Organising joint evaluations which involve the community as a whole.

Linguateca is supported as a project of the Foundation for National Scientific Computation (FCCN) (site in Portuguese) and co-financed by community funds from the Operational Programme for the Knowledge Society (POSC) and with national funds made available by Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

Linguateca is the continuation of the Computational Processing of Portuguese project which took place at SINTEF from May 1998 to May 2000, and presently has the following distributed structure:

The work of the Linguateca can be divided into three strands Information – Resources – Evaluation:

Further information can be obtained at .

Last updated ( 29/04/2010 )