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Purchasing computers made easier for families with students

As foreseen in the Connecting Portugal Programme, which was approved by the Government in July 2005, the State’s Budget for 2006 fixes income tax breaks for computer, software and terminal equipment purchases of up to half the purchase price up to a maximum of 250 Euros.

Purchases carried out from 1st December 2005 for students or families with students in any type of education are eligible.

State Budget 2006

Article 64. – Purchase of computers

1 - 50% of the sum spent on the purchase of computers for personal use, including software and terminal equipment up to a limit of 250 euros are deductible from the taxable amount for income tax up to application, after the deductions mentioned in no.1 of article 78 and 88 of the respective Code.

2 – The deduction mentioned in the previous number is applicable once over the 2006 to 2008 tax years and is dependent on the following conditions being fulfilled:

a) The normal rate applicable to the taxable person is less than 42%;

b) The equipment purchased is brand new;

c) The taxable person or any member of his or her household attends education of any level;

d) The purchase invoice bears the purchaser’s tax identification number and the description – for personal use.

3 – Use of the deduction foreseen in no. 1 prevents, for tax purposes, the equipment mentioned therein being used professionally.

4 – For calculation purposes of the deduction foreseen in article 64 of the Tax Benefits Statute for application in 2006, goods purchased in December 2005 are also included.

5 – The provisions of no.3 of article 21 of the Tax Benefits Statute under its previous wording shall continue to apply to these plans until this law comes into force as regards the portion of income that corresponds to contributions made up to this date.

Last updated ( 27/04/2010 )