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Entreprise Information and Communication Technologies Use 2007

Logotipo do Observatório da Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento90% of all small, medium and large enterprises have Internet access, of which 77% have broadband.These figures increase to 98% and 89% for medium-sized enterprises, and to 100% and 97% for large enterprises.99% of enterprises in the financial sector have Internet access, 95% of which have broadband.

In the construction and retail sectors, there was a 33% increase in the number of enterprises with broadband connections from 2006 to 2007, and the percentage of construction enterprises with an Internet site grew 80%.

73% of all small, medium and large enterprises use the Internet to deal with the State, which corresponds to a 20% rise from 2006 to 2007. Internet use for dealing with the State has risen to 95% in the financial sector.

66% of small, medium and large enterprises from all sectors except the financial one fill in and send forms to the State online, which places Portugal in 3rd position in the EU27 for this indicator, hot on the heels of Finland and Ireland, and far above the EU27 average, which is 43%.The figure for this indicator in the financial sector has risen to 92%.

The INE – National Statistics Institute published an information note for the media on the 2007 Enterprise Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Use Survey (text in Portuguese) yesterday - 4th December 2007. This survey was conducted by this institute in conjunction with Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC). This survey, which is conducted yearly and in accordance with Eurostat’s methodological recommendations, refers to data from the 1st quarter of 2007.

90% of all small, medium and large enterprises have Internet access, of which 77% have broadband. One year previously, these figures had been, respectively, 83% and 66%. Thus there have been increases of 8% and 17% respectively.

Of note is the fact that 100% of large enterprises and 98% of medium-sized enterprises from all sectors except the financial one have Internet access, thus hitting the maximum targets for this indicator. Small enterprises with Internet access increased from 80% in 2006 to 88% in 2007. Furthermore, broadband access for large and medium-sized enterprises hit 89% and 97% respectively and increased 19% for small enterprises, from 62% in 2006 to 74% in 2007. 99% of enterprises in the financial sector have Internet access, 95% of which have broadband.

For the broadband Internet access indicator for large enterprises in all sectors other than the financial one, Portugal lies in 7th place in the EU27, following Cyprus, Slovenia, Spain, Finland, Austria and Belgium and neck and neck with Germany, Luxemburg, the United Kingdom and Sweden, according to EUROSTAT. For medium-sized enterprises in all sectors other than the financial one, Portugal lies in 9th place behind Spain, the Nordic countries, Belgium, Germany, Slovenia and Italy, also according to EUROSTAT.

As regards the economic sectors, there has been a particularly large increase of 33% in terms of enterprises with broadband connections in the construction and retail sectors. These sectors had trailed behind but are now rapidly making up the lost ground. The percentage of construction enterprises with their own website has also increased considerably by 80% from 2006 to 2007.

Furthermore, there was also a significant increase in the number of small, medium and large enterprises who use the Internet to deal with the State, reaching 73% on the previous year’s 61%, i.e. a 20% rise from 2006 to 2007. Internet use for dealing with the State has risen to 95% in the financial sector.

Last updated ( 17/05/2010 )