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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies

The Emerging Technologies often bring new opportunities of knowledge creation, economic growth and improved quality of life. To take full advantage of opportunities created by science-based emerging technologies of global reach, it is essential to participate in the developments taking place at the decisive moments in which there is rapid increase in knowledge and application development in these areas, which generally has to be done with high internationalization of activities.

The a global economy that today characterizes the world is heavily dependent on the ability to innovate with the support of science-based emerging technologies and, to a large extent, the future opportunities for achievement of individuals and organizations of a country at local, regional or global levels, depends on the social appropriation of these technologies and on the actual participation of their overall development in decisive moments of development of these technologies, which usually involves highly internationalized knowledge networks of the highest excellence.

The Emerging Technologies identified for the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) to pay a special attention, in promoting the participation of scientific research institutions, universities, companies and users, with strong international partnerships and strengthening the participation of Portuguese entities in projects with EU funding, are Future Internet and Nanotechnology.

In the Connecting Portugal initiative (2005-2010) the following actions were planned: 

  • To promote the development of specific strategies for developing new products, including digital content, encouraging partnerships between businesses and science and technology institutions to facilitate environments that allow for the creation of new ideas;

  • To stimulate new areas of knowledge in European collaboration, promoting international networks of science and technology, as well as to extend and facilitate the Portuguese participation in international programs of European Union initiative.

Last updated (11/03/2010)