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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Knowledge  > News  > 317th Meeting of CREST – Scientific and Technical Research Committee, European Union

317th Meeting of CREST – Scientific and Technical Research Committee, European Union

Logotype of CREST - EU Scientific and Technical Research Committee The 317th meeting of CREST – Scientific and Technical Research Committee, chaired by the Deputy Director General for Research at the European Commission, Zoran Stancic, will take place in the Council of the European Union building in Brussels on 7th December 2007.

This is the 3rd CREST meeting under the Portuguese Presidency of the EU, the 1st meeting of which was held in Brussels in the first week of the Presidency, the 2nd meeting in Ponta Delgada on 11th – 12th October 2007. The first point on the agenda is Presidency information presented by the head of the Portuguese delegation, Luis Magalhães, President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

The meeting agenda also includes: information from the European Commission, information and discussion of the mutual learning exercise carried out the day before on National Reform Programmes in the scope of the Lisbon Strategy in the different Member States, responses and actions following the Green Paper on the European Research Area, progress towards the goal of 3% of GDP on R&D under the Open Coordination Method (adoption of the recommendations from the CREST Working Group’s final report on Internationalisation of R&D, adoption of the recommendations from the CREST Working Group’s final report on Policy Mix, presentation and discussion of the adoption of the recommendations from the CREST Working Group’s draft final report on R&D in services, adoption of the Working Groups’ mandates for the 4th cycle of the Open Coordination Method), presentation of the Communication "Competitive European regions through research and innovation" and an intervention from the Committee of the Regions and CREST’s communication policy. The agenda for the following CREST meeting will be contemplated at the end. This meeting is scheduled for 6th – 8th February 2008 in Brdo, under the Slovenian Presidency.

On the previous day, 6th December 2007, meetings in the scope of the CREST mutual learning exercise are being held at the premises of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research, Technology and Development in Brussels, based on the National Reform Programme under the Lisbon Strategy and the progress reports for 2006 and 2007 for the different the Member States.

Last updated ( 18/05/2010 )