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Meeting of the OECD's Information, Computers and Communication Policy Committee (56th session)

OECD Logotype The 56th session of the OECD’s Information, Computers and Communication Policy Committee (ICCP) took place on 11th -12th December 2008 in Paris.

 This meeting’s agenda covered the election of the Committee Bureau, discussion and approval of extending the stakeholders who may take part in the Committee’s work, review and approval of new mandates for the Committee’s subordinate groups (Information Economy, Information Security and Privacy, Infrastructure and Communication Services Policies, Information Society Indicators), analysis of the accession process of new countries to the OECD in progress and the ICCP budget, discussion of the Committee’s work plan for the 2009-2010 period, the report and discussion of the Internet Governance Forum 2008 that took place in Hyderabad, India, the week before, information and discussion on the Innovation Strategy adopted by the OECD, information and discussion of the main aspects from the 2008 Information Technology Outlook report, and information and discussion of the Counterfeiting and Piracy Project underway. The President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) headed the Portuguese delegation at this meeting.

The Information, Computers and Communication Policy Committee meeting was preceded by an ICT and Innovation workshop on 11th December as well co-organised with the BIAC – Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD, as part of the OECD Innovation Strategy which explored new ICT-related developments in innovation and how they can be encouraged by appropriate policies.

On 9th – 10th December, the day before and two days before the ICCP Committee meeting, there was a meeting of the Information Economy Working Party, where Portugal was also represented by the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

Last updated ( 25/05/2010 )