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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Portuguese Young People amongst the Most Interested in Science News

September 2008 saw the publication of a report from Eurobarometer entitled Young People and Science, This was based on a survey carried out in September 2008 by the Gallup Organisation, Hungry, at the request of the Directorate-General for Research in the European Commission.

The interest in young people aged between 15 and 25 years of age in Science and Technology news was highest in Portugal among the 27 countries of the EU (86% as opposed to the EU average of 67%). Portugal is also the first country where young people are very interested in news about discoveries relating to the human body and medicine (53% as opposed to the EU average of 38%), and also the second country when it comes to young people being very interested in news about new inventions and technologies (66% as opposed to the EU average of 42%), and about information and communication technologies (60% as opposed to the EU average of 37%), and about the earth and the environment (61% as opposed to the EU average of 41%).

Last updated ( 15/03/2010 )