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Início  > Conhecimento  > Notícias  > Conferência de Alto Nível "O Futuro da Ciência e Tecnologia na Europa"

Conferência de Alto Nível "O Futuro da Ciência e Tecnologia na Europa"

Logótipo da Presidência Portuguesa da UE – Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino SuperiorNo âmbito da Presidência Portuguesa da União Europeia, realiza-se de 8 a 10 de Outubro de 2007, na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, a Conferência de Alto Nível "O Futuro da Ciência e Tecnologia na Europa". Esta conferência reune muitos dos mais relevantes actores institucionais e da comunidade científica da Europa.

Esta Conferência é organizada pela Presidência Portuguesa da União Europeia, com o apoio da Comissão Europeia, e tem por objectivo constituir um forum de debate em profundidade sobre o futuro da política de ciência e tecnologia na Europa.

O programa da Conferência centra-se nas prioridades da Presidência Portuguesa, nomeadamente na necessidade de mais recursos humanos para ciência e tecnologia na Europa, e nos objectivos de crescimento do investimento privado em investigação e desenvolvimento e do investimento público em ciência e tecnologia. A Conferência segue-se ao Conselho Informal de Julho que reuniu em Lisboa todos os ministros da Ciência da Europa.

A Presidência Portuguesa pretende contribuir com um novo impulso na concretização da Estratégia de Lisboa em matéria de Ciência e Tecnologia, atribuindo-lhe uma renovada prioridade nas agendas nacionais e comunitária.

Contribuir para a remoção dos obstáculos ao desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico em cada País requer uma visão partilhada de objectivos comuns a nível europeu, e o reconhecimento da diversidade de condições e necessidades existentes a nível nacional e regional.

Sete anos decorridos do lançamento da Estratégia de Lisboa, a Presidência portuguesa considera importante chamar ao processo de decisão política os principais protagonistas do desenvolvimento científico na Europa (investigadores, laboratórios, empresas, agências nacionais e representantes de governos e da Comissão Europeia).

Em nove sessões paralelas são debatidos os principais temas do Livro Verde do Espaço Europeu de Investigação, publicado pela Comissão Europeia em Abril de 2007, como contribuições para preparação de propostas concretas da Comissão Europeia a serem apresentadas em 2008.

As conclusões da Conferência, que reune mais de 400 representantes, contribuirão decisivamente para o Conselho Europeu e para a definição das estratégias nacionais de desenvolvimento científico na Europa.

A conferência é aberta pelo Ministro da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior de Portugal, José Mariano Gago, e pelo Comissário Europeu para a Investigação, Janez Potočnik.

A conferência é transmitida via web em



Portuguese Presidency of the European Union Logo
The Future of Science and Technology in Europe High Level Conference
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal
8-9-10 October 2007

Monday, 8 October

09:00 Registration

10:00 Opening Session

10.30 Plenary Session 1: Challenges for Science and Technology in Europe


12:30 Lunch

14:30 Plenary Session 2: Promoting and Attracting Human Resources in S&T


16:00 Coffee Break

16:30 Parallel Sessions 

Debate on the Green Paper "The European Research Area: New Perspectives” (I)
ERA Rationale (PS1)
Christian Seiser, Moderator, Deputy Director General, Austrian Research Ministry

Governance issues and Links with Lisbon Strategy (PS2)
Koen Verlaekct, Moderator, Head of Cabinet of the Flemish Vice Minister, President and Flemish minister for Economy, Science and Innovation and Foreign Trade

  • Gonzalo Léon, Speaker, Vice President for Research, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Chair of the Lisbon Strategy Group
  • Ilona Vass, Discussant Vice President of the Hungarian National Office for Science and Technology
  • Walter Mönig, Discussant Commissioner for EU affairs, Federal Ministry of Research and Development, Germany
  • Gabriel Marquette, DiscussantDirector of Technical Coordination, Schlumberger, Europe
  • Valeria Bandini, Rapporteur Head of Project Planning and Development, ASTER (Emilia-Romagna Regional Network for Industrial Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer), Italy 

Science in Society (PS3)
Jean-Pierre Alix, Moderator, Secretary General, Universal Movement for Scientific Responsibility - Strategy and Foresight, National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS - France

  • James Wilsdon, Speaker and Rapporteur, Head of Science and Innovation, DEMOS Think-Tank, United Kingdom
  • Susana Borrás,Discussant
  • Associate Professor – Copenhagen Business School, International Centre for Business and Politics
  • Terkel Andersen, Discussant, President of the European Organisation for Rare Diseases and Chair of the Danish Council for Social Volunteering
  • Anne-Sophie Parent, Discussant, Director of AGE - European Older People's Platform, Former Chair of the European Platform of Social NGOs, Belgium 

18:30 Closing

Tuesday, 9 October

09.30 Plenary Session 3:Increasing Private Investment in R&D

Discussion (video)

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 Parallel Sessions 

Round table on “Universities and S&T Development – regional and international dimensions”
Manuel Heitor, Chair, State Secretary of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portugal

  • Georg Winckler, President, European Universities Association (EUA)
  • Marc Lipinski, Vice President of the Regional Council of Ile de France
  • Elzbieta Oleksy, Dean, Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, Poland
  • Guido Langouche, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Coimbra Group Universities network
  • Ian Leslie, Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Research, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Linda Nielsen, Former chairman, Danish Rectors Conference and Special Advisor to EU Commissioner Jan Figel (Education, Training, Culture and Youth), Denmark
  • Geoffrey Boulton, Professor, University of Edinburgh and Chair of the Royal Society Energy Advisory Committee and the Scottish Knowledge Transfer Taskforce, United Kingdom

Debate on the Green Paper "The European Research Area: New Perspectives”(II)
Researchers (PS4)
Kate Runeberg, Moderator, Senior Advisor, Nordic Council of Ministers, Finland

  • Alexandre Quintanilha, Speaker, Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology, Porto, Portugal and Chair of the Expert Group, Realising a Single Labour Market for Researchers
  • Hans Borchgrevink, Discussant, Special Advisor, Research Council of Norway
  • Koen van Dam, Discussant, President of the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Young Researchers (EURODOC), The Netherlands
  • Hugues-Arnaud Mayer, Discussant, President of the Movement for French Enterprises (MEDEF) and representative of Business Europe
  • Fulvio Esposito, Rapporteur, Rector, University of Camerino, Italy  

Knowledge-sharing (PS5)
Ena Prosser, Moderator, Partner, Fountain Healthcare Partners and Member of Advisory Science Council of Ireland

  • Gillian Mcfadzean,Speaker, Director, Technology and Research Services, Heriot-Watt University, Chair of ProTon Europe, and Chair of the Sharing Knowledge Expert Group, United Kingdom
  • Jan Velterop, Discussant, Director of Open Access, Springer, The Netherlands
  • Leif Kjaergaard, Discussant, Senior Vice President, Danisco, President EIRMA and Chairman BUSINESSEUROPE Research Working Group, Denmark
  • David Moorman, Discussant, Senior Policy Adviser, Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
  • Christine Reid, Rapporteur, Partner, Northwood Reid Solicitors, United Kingdom 

Optimising Research Programmes & Priorities (PS6)
Pierre Papon, Moderator, Professor, ESPCI - Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de Paris, France, Pierre Papon (video)

  • Helena Acheson, Speaker Head of Science, Technology & Innovation Policy and Science Awareness Division, Forfas, Ireland and Chair of the Expert Group, Optimising Research Programmes and Priorities, Helena Acheson (video)
  • Jo Cornu, Discussant, Chairman of Medea and member of the board of Alcatel-Lucent, Jo Cornu (video)
  • Ezio Andreta, Discussant, Commissioner of the Italian Agency for Innovation and President, APRE – Agency for the Promotion of European Research, Italy
  • Juri Engelbrecht, Discussant, President, Estonian Academy of Sciences and
  • Head, CENS – Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Tallinn
  • Patries Boekholt, Rapporteur, Director, Technopolis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Questions and Debate (video)

13:30 Lunch 

15:30 Parallel Sessions

Debate on the Green Paper "The European Research Area: New Perspectives”(III)
Research Institutions (PS7)
José Manuel Labastida, Moderator, Vice-President of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

  • Christina Ullenius, Speaker, Vice President, EUA - European University Association and Chair of the Expert Group, Strengthening Research Institutions
  • Christopher John Hull, Discussant, Secretary General EARTO- European Association of Research and Technology Organisations
  • Brigitte Serreault, Discussant, R&T Vice President EADS Astrium - European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, France
  • Linda Nielsen, Discussant, Former Chair, Danish Rectors Conference and Special Advisor to EU Commissioner Jan Figel' (Education, Training, Culture and Youth), Denmark
  • Sebastian Schmidt, Discussant, Helmholtz Institute, Germany
  • Christopher Hale, Rapporteur, Policy Advisor, Universities United Kingdom  

Research Infrastructures (PS8)
Carlo Rizzuto, Moderator, Professor at the School of Engineering at the University of Genova and ESFRI Chairman designate - European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, Italy

  • Norbert Kroo, Speaker, Vice-President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Chair of Expert Group, Developing World-Class Research Infrastructures
  • Iain Mattaj, Discussant, Director General, EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • Carmen Andrade, Discussant, Director General, Technology Policy, Ministry of Education and Science, Spain and Member of ESFRI - European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
  • Leif Laaksonen, Discussant, Development Director, CSC - Centre for Science-Scientific Computing Ltd, Finland
  • Colin Carlile, Discussant, Director Designate, ESS – European Spallation Source, Scandinavia. Professor, Physics Department, Lund University, Sweden
  • Bart Laethem, Rapporteur, Senior Researcher, Ministry of Flanders, Science and Innovation Administration, Belgium  

International Cooperation (PS9)
João Caraça, Moderator, Director, Science Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal, João Caraça (video)

  • Daniele Archibugi, Speaker, Director, CNR - Italian National Research Council and Chair of Expert Group, Opening to the world: International Co-operation in S&T, Daniele Archibugi (video)
  • Manfred Horvat, Discussant, Professor, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  • Eli Aamot, Discussant, Vice President R&D New Energy and New Ideas, Statoil, Norway
  • Sophie Thoyer, Discussant, Professor of Agricultural Economics, ENSAM - Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier, France, Sophie Thoyer (video)
  • Peter Gammeltolf, Rapporteur Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Questions and Debate (video 2)

17:30 Break

18:00 Summing up of the debate on the Green Paper "The European Research Area: New Perspectives”
José Silva Rodriguez, Director General for Research, European Commission
Luis Magalhães, President of the Knowledge Society Agency, Portugal

Wednesday, 10 October

09:30 Plenary Session 4: Boosting Public Investment in R&D

Discussion (video 2)

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 Plenary Session 5:A Vision for the Future of S&T in Europe

Conference overview:

Closing remarks:


Última actualização ( 28/10/2008 )