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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Digital Content  > Statistics  > Graphs and Tables - Digital Content

Graphs and Tables - Digital Content

Registrations in Scientific Open Access Repositories in Portugal
No. of registrations in the end of each year

Alternative access: Registrations in Scientific Open Access Repositories in Portugal - contains data table and graph - (xls | 58KB)
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Registrations in Scientific Open Access Repositories in Portugal, No. of institutional repositories by the end of each year

Source: UMIC - Knowledge Society Agency, P.I..

Open Access Institutional Repositories in Portugal
No. of institutional repositories by the end of each year

Alternative access: Open Access Institutional Repositories in Portugal - contains data table and graph - (xls | 58KB)
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Open Access Institutional Repositories in Portugal, No. of registrations in the end of each year

Source: UMIC - Knowledge Society Agency, P.I..

Content created by users, percentage of Internet users
2005, (%) Users from 16 to 74 years old

Alternative access: Content created by users, percentage of Internet users - contains data table and graph - (xls | 58KB)
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Content created by users, percentage of Internet users, 2005, (%) Users from 16 to 74 years old

Source: OECD based on Eurostat, March 2007.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )