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Portugal Climbs European Online Availability of Public Services Ranking

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Portugal up in the Ranking for Full Online Availability of Public Services from October 2004 to April 2006:

- From 15th to 11th in the 28 countries of the EU25 + Norway, Iceland and Switzerland,
- From 13th to 10th in the EU25,
- From 11th to 7th in the EU15,
Overtaking Germany, Spain, Ireland, Iceland and Italy.

Portugal’s figures are now higher than the average for the countries in all the groups considered.

Ranking for Full Online Availability of Basic Public Services in EU15
Months: October 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004; April 2006, (Score %).

Alternative access: Ranking for Full Online Availability of Basic Public Services in EU15 - contains data table and graph - (xls | 65KB)
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Ranking for Full Online Availability of Basic Public Services in EU15 - Oct. 2001, Oct. 2002, Oct. 2003

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Ranking for Full Online Availability of Basic Public Services in EU15 - Oct. 2004, Apr. 2006

On 29th June 2006, the European Commission published the data from the most recent online availability of basic public services evaluation from April 2006.

The evaluation immediately before was published in March 2005 with data from October 2004. Prior to this evaluation, there were three others, all in the month of October – in 2001, 2002 and 2003. These three evaluations covered the EU15 countries and three more countries: Norway, Iceland and Switzerland.

The evaluations look at two indicators: Full Online Availability of Basic Public Services (%) and Sophistication of Basic Public Services Available Online (%).

Despite attaining a good position in October 2001, Portugal saw its position progressively erode up to October 2004 to then recover the lost ground in both indicators, especially in the full online availability indicator.

In actual fact, from October 2004 to April 2005, Portugal overtook Germany, Spain, Ireland, Iceland and Italy in the full availability indicator and Spain, the Netherlands, Iceland and Malta in the sophistication indicator.

Portugal’s figures are now higher than the average for the countries in all the groups considered. Portugal was the fifth highest-rising country among the 28 countries in both indicators.

The graphs refer to the EU15 countries.

Ranking for Sophistication of Basic Public Services Available Online in EU15
Months: Ocober 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004; April 2006, (Score %).

Alternative access: Ranking for Sophistication of Basic Public Service Available Online in EU15 - contains data table and graph - (xls | 60KB)
click the image below to amplify

Ranking for Sophistication of Basic Public Services Available Online in EU15 - Oct. 2001, Oct. 2002, Oct. 2003

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Ranking for Sophistication of Basic Public Services Available Online in EU15 - Oct. 2004, Apr. 2006

Online availability of basic public services evaluation report

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )