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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Forum on the Information Society – Internet Governance

Logo of the Portuguese Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) Future Intert activities (GdI – Internet Governance, Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) On July 8, 2010, from 9:00 to 17:30, the Forum on the Information Society – Internet Governance will take place at ISCTE-IUL, Edifício II, Auditório B203, Av. das Forças Armadas, Lisboa, (see the Forum program). This Forum is open to all interested participants.

The purpose of this forum, organized back-to-back with the public session of the World Internet Project (July 7, also at ISCTE-IUL, Edifício II, Auditório B203) by the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) in collaboration with the Foundation for National Scientific Computing (FCCN) and the Lisbon Internet and Networks Institute (LINI), is to discuss some of the main aspects of Internet Governance.

The Forum includes sessions especially dedicated to:

  • Liberty, Privacy and e Security in the Internet;
  • Internet Governance: past, present and future;
  • Internet Neutrality, Open Standards and Innovation;
  • Future of Content Creation and Dissemination;
  • Social Networks – opportunities and challenges.

All these issues involve major challenges associated with the enormous transformations brought about by the Internet in global communications and its radical implications for social and economic changes in almost all areas of human activity. These are also key issues for the new Digital Agenda initiative considered in the framework of the strategy European Union 2020.

The Internet Governance has received worldwide attention at the highest level within the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) held under UN auspices in two sessions, one in Geneva in 2003 and another in Tunis in 2005. In the latter, the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was created with an explicit orientation to engage openly and on equal footing all multistakeholders, including from governments and public administrations, technical and academic communities, business and civil society. The operation of the IGF, with the generalization of the involvement of multistakeholders in the discussion of the varied Internet Governance themes, provided a fresh impetus and broadened a movement that had started in 1998 at ICAAN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers for the management of DNS.

IGF met every year since then successively in Athens (2006), Rio de Janeiro (2007), Heyderabad (2008), Sharm El Sheik (2009), and meets this year in Vilnius on 14-17 September. The process of the global IGF ignited a decentralized movement of organization of several regional (8) and national (14) fora explicitly dedicated to Internet Governance (see a list in the IGF site at The European IGF was launched under the name EuroDig – European Dialogue on Internet Governance and had annual sessions since 2008 (in Strasbourg, Geneve and Madrid). The present Forum on the Information Society – Internet Governance is assumed as the Portuguese IGF.

On May 10, 2010, another session of the Forum on the Information Society took place at the Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre (see Forum for the Information Society - Future Internet).

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )