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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Public Services  > News  > Online Trade and Permanent Certificate Register Available

Online Trade and Permanent Certificate Register Available

The launch for the Online Trade and Permanent Citizens Register was held on 20th December 2006 at the Trade Register Office, Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo 7, Lisbon. The ceremony was attended by the Minister for Justice, the Secretary of State for Justice and the Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Higher Education.

It is now possible to request records of share transfers and unifications, nomination and cessation of duties of corporate bodies and those of the corporate secretaries of share-owned and limited-liability companies online via the Portal da Empresa (Enterprise's Portal). It has also been possible to set up companies online – Empresa Online – since 30th June 2006. These acts represent roughly 50% of the 225 thousand company registrations per year.

This has made the work of the records offices simpler and more cost-effective. The registration process is more transparent for the applicant, who now receives email alerts when the registration application is filed at the records office immediately after confirmation of payment, and also when the registration process is completed. Registering online is 10% cheaper than the traditional method. Applicants no longer need to go to records offices in person. Online registrations are carried out within a maximum two working days after confirmation of payment. All communication with the records office is carried out by email.

You can now also obtain company registration certificates online at the Portal da Empresa (Enterprise's Portal), which are constantly updated. An access code for the Permanent Certificate is provided, which replaces the need to present a paper certificate. No public or private body can demand a paper company registration certificate after having been given the access code for the Permanent Certificate. The permanent certificate is now cheaper for applicants and can be requested for a maximum 4-year period and may be used as many times as necessary while valid. The Permanent Certificate is provided immediately after confirmation of payment. Approximately 370 thousand company registration certificates are currently issued each year.

In this way, significant steps have been taken towards cutting Government red tape and facilitating and simplifying access to public services for companies and citizens.

Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) has worked together with the Directorate-General for Records and Notary Services and with the Institute for Information Technologies in the Judicial System to provide the new services online at the Portal da Empresa (Enterprise's Portal) which this agency has also been responsible for developing and bringing on stream.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )