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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > International Relations  > Scope of Activities  > Iberoamerican Cooperation

Iberoamerican Cooperation

Participation in actions within the Iberoamerican Cooperation:

  • XII Iberoamerican Conference of Culture (text in Portuguese), Abril 22, 2009, Lisbon, attended by the Ministers of Culture of Iberoamerican countries, in which the President of UMIC, Luis Magalhães, had, by invitation of the Minister of Culture of Portugal, the intervention "The role of new technologies in the promotion of Shared Languages and Multiculturalism".
  • Iberoamerican Journey of Technologies for the Support of Impaired Persons and Iberoeka Mini-Forum (site in Portuguese) on the same theme, 26-27 November 2007, Lisbon, organized by the Center for Analysis and Signal Processing of the Technical University  of Lisbon in collaboration with the Innovation Agency, meetings that were financially supported by UMIC: participation of Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC, and António Mendes dos Santos, Jorge Fernandes and Cláudia Cardoso of UMIC.
  • IV Ministerial Forum of the European Union – Latina America and the Caribbean on the Information Society: “Na Alliance for the Social Cohesion Through Digital Inclusion”, 28-29 April 2006, Lisbon, organized by UMIC: interventions of Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC, and a wide presence of UMIC officers.
  • 3rd Iberoamerican Seminar on Information Society Indicators, 29-30 September 2005, in which there was a presentation and discussion of the 1st version of the Lisbon Manual – Guidebook for the Production of Statistical Indicators on the Development of the Information Society in Latin American Countries. Besides the presence of representatives of national entities, the seminar was attended by experts from various international bodies, such as ECLAC, OECD, EUROSTAT and UNESCO. This seminar was organized with the support of UMIC, OCES and INE. Participants of UMIC: Luis Magalhães, Graça Simões, Roberto Carneiro, Nuno Rodrigues, Raquel Mata, Nuno Valente, Sílvia Reis.
Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )