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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Enterprise  > Projects


  • eCommerce

    Judging by EUROSTAT data, eCommerce is not particularly developed in Portugal. The 2007 data on the 1st quarter indicate that only 6% of 16 to 74 year olds are eCommerce users.

  • eInvoicing

    In August 2005, the Government stipulated that the Public Administration shall adopt the preferential issuing and receipt of electronic invoices by the beginning of 2007. It mandated Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) with the respective monitoring process and assessment of implementation.

  • New Technology Enterprises

    The NEOTEC Initiative – New Technology-based Enterprises supports the creation of technology-based companies with growth potential by higher education students and researchers in particular.

  • OTIC - Technology and Knowledge Transfer Workshops

    The initiative Technology and Knowledge Transfer Workshops (OTIC) promotes a network of centres for economic valorization of research results and for the transfer of innovative ideas and concepts to enterprises.

  • Networks of Competence

    The initiative Competence Networks promotes the creation of regional or thematic technology platforms for involving multistakeholders in sharing their views and pursuing the development in the region or of the thematic area considered. The Competence Networks integrate enterprises, research centres and institutes, universities, polytechnics, technological centres, public bodies, and enterprise associations.