Advanced search
Advanced search help, with explanation of the available options
With these words:
- Objective: Search pages containing all words, regardless of the distance between them in text.
- Operator: No operator. Enter words separated by spaces.
- Example: monuments lisbon
With this phrase:
- Objective: Search pages containing an exact phrase.
- Operator: Double quotes (") at the end of the phrase.
- Example: "prime minister"
Without any of these words:
- Objective: Exclude pages that contain a particular phrase from the results.
- Operator: Minus sign (-) before the word to be excluded.
- Example: universities -lisbon
- Objective: Search pages archived within a particular time interval.
- Operator: No operator. Enter date in dd/mm/yyyy (e.g.: 24/12/1996) or click on the calendar miniature to select date.
- Example: search pages containing the word elections that have been archived between 14/06/2001 and 21/12/2005
Sort by:
- Objective: There are 3 ways to order the results:
- by relevance - shows first the most relevant results for the search
- most recent first - shows first the results that were archived more recently
- older first - shows first the results that were archived longer ago
- Operator: By default, results are presented by relevance. Insert the operator sort:new to sort them by most recent first. Insert the operator sort:old to sort them by older first.
- Example: earthquake sort:new
Show pages in the format:
- Objective: Search pages published in a particular format.
- Operator: type: followed by the desired format.
- Example: student exchange type:pdf
With this address:
- Objective: Search pages from a particular web site.
- Operator: site: followed by the address of the desired web site.
- Example: research
Number of results
- Objective: Change the number of results per page.
- Operator: No operator.
- Example: search for fado singers and present 20 results per page