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List of proposals to collaborate with the Portuguese Web Archive in Research & Development activities

The Portuguese Web Archive aims to cooperate with Research and Development organizations interested in participating in innovative activities. This list presents project proposals with an estimated duration of 1 year. New project proposals presented by R&D organizations are welcome.

Advantages of collaboration proposals
How can researchers can benefit from collaborating with the Portuguese Web Archive.
Automatic classification of archived web content
Project proposal to develop a software able to automatically classify archived web content.
Recognition of abbreviations and acronyms in archived Web content
Project proposal to develop a software able to automatically recognized abbreviations and acronyms in archived Web content.
Creating a benchmark for temporal search results
Project proposal to create a benchmark for evaluation of temporal search results over archived content.
Archiving Browsershots of pages during crawling
Project proposal to develop a software to generate and archive browsershots of pages during crawling.
Guidelines for selection of relevant websites for archive
Project proposal to define guidelines for selection of relevant websites for archive.
Named Entity recognition in content of web archive
Project proposal to develop a software to recognize named entities in archived content.
Text retrieval using n-gram collections
Project proposal to generate a n-gram collections from archived content.
ArqTag: Collaborative tagging of archived content
Project proposal to develop a platform to support collaborative tagging of archived content.
Temporal Image Search
Project proposal to develop a image search over archived content.
User profiles and cases of use for a Web Archive
Project proposal to identify user profiles and cases of use for web archives.
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