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Recommendations for web authors

The Portuguese Web Archive published guidelines to enable the creation of contents for preservation.

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Paper will be presented at LA-Web on November 11

The paper Trends in Web characteristics will be presented at LA-Web 2009, on November 11, 2009.

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Paper presented at EPIA 2009

An Updated Portrait of the Portuguese Web presented at EPIA 2009

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Lend a little disk space to preserve the Web

Anyone can contribute to preserve the information published on the Web. You just need to install a simple application on your computer.

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Anyone can suggest a Portuguese site to be archived

The PWA released a service that enables anyone to suggest a Portuguese site to be archived.

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Follow interesting references about web archiving on Twitter!

The PWA maintains a Twitter containing interesting references related to web archiving.

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New member of the PWA

David Cruz is the newest member of the Portuguese Web Archive team.

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Open position at the Portuguese Web Archive

Open position at the Portuguese Web Archive project

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Paper was considered one of the best at CIWAI-2008

The paper about the archive and measurement of the Portuguese web was considered one of the best of the CIWAI-2008 conference.

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The PWA contributes to an accessible web

Rui Lopes, a researcher of the University of Lisbon won a best paper award and has been collaborating with the PWA.

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