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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > International Relations  > News  > Training for EU Member States National CIP-ICT PSP Contact Points

Training for EU Member States National CIP-ICT PSP Contact Points

Logotype of the ICT PSP – ICT Policy Support ProgrammeThe Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) held a Training Session for National CIP-ICT PSP Contact Points of the Member States of the European Union (EU) on 26 November 2009 in conjunction with eServices Europa, which works for the European Commission in this area. The session took place on the margins of the Information Session on the 4th call of the Community CIP–ICT PSP Programme on 27 November 2009.

The aims of this training session are to develop competences in business, marketing and information dissemination strategies and intellectual property in CIP –ICT PSP projects, and further contacts between the National CIP – ICT PSP Contact Points of the different Member States to enable more entities to take part in this Community programme.

Last updated ( 01/03/2011 )