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Ciência 2007 – Meeting with the Scientific Community in Portugal

Logotipo da iniciativa CIÊNCIA 2007The 1st Meeting with the Scientific Community in Portugal: Ciência 2007, organized by the Council of Associated Laboratories in collaboration with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, took place on 12 and 13 April 2007 at the premises of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon. The opening session was attended by the Prime Minister and the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education.

The Programme for the Meeting with the Scientific Community in Portugal: Ciência 2007 involved sessions devoted to Health Sciences; Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry; Chemistry, Chemical and Materials Engineering; Geosciences, Marine Sciences, Environment; Physics; Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies; Information and Communications Technology; Engineering Systems, Robotics, Aeronautics and Space; Social Sciences and the Humanities. Many of the Presentations Made During the Meeting are also available from this site.

Many significant presentations were given under the auspices of the Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education through the support given to this Meeting from The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) and FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, IP.