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Ciência 2008: More Scientists for Portugal

Logotipo da iniciativa CIÊNCIA 2008The Prime Minister, Jose Socrates, and the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Jose Mariano Gago, chaired a session on 12 May 2008 at 11 o'clock, in the Central Administration Building of the University of Aveiro on a set of new activities for Science in Portugal, which form part of the Commitment to Science for Portugal’s Future launched by the Government in March 2006.

The session also presented the results of government investment in science and launched some new ways of encouraging the development of science.

Among the various measures announced was that of the support of FCT – the Foundation for Science and Technology for the 2008 integration of 5 000 students into higher educational research, the creation of the Guest Chairs at universities with the support of the State and enterprises, and the launch of new research scholarships and the hiring of more than 500 researchers at doctoral level.