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Book Published on the Future of Science and Technology in Europe

Logotipo da Presidência Portuguesa da UE – Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino SuperiorInformation on the book The Future of Science and Technology in Europe, edited by the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, containing contributions from ministers of Science from different European countries concerning the way that different national policies have developed and contributed towards European scientific and technological progress, was given at the meeting of the European Council (Heads of State and Government) held in Brussels on 14 December 2007. This book has been published within the framework of the High Level Conference "The Future of Science and Technology in Europe" held in Lisbon on 8-10 October 2007 under the auspices of the Portuguese Presidency of the EU.

The Portuguese EU Presidency wished to contribute a new impetus to implementing the Lisbon Strategy in the area of Science and Technology by giving it a renewed priority in national and European community agendas.

Last updated ( 17/05/2011 )