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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Knowledge Networks  > Projects  > UTexas Austin – Portugal

UTexas Austin – Portugal

The UTexas Austin – Portugal Program focuses on advanced digital media, intensive graphical and interactive technologies, adavnced development of content, in particular in cinema and videos, and in the establishment of a network to stimulate commercialization activities of Science and Technology.

This Programme was launched on the 2nd March 2007 at the Science and Technology Faculty of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, involves the joint implementation of an International Collaboratory for Emerging Technologies, CoLab, which includes the establishment of a network to stimulate commercialization activities of Science and Technology (University Technology Enterprise Network, UTEN).

The international consortium responsible for harnessing the economic value of science and technology and the development of new technology-based companies (UTEN) includes the Technology and Knowledge Transfer Workshops (OTICs) of all public Portuguese universities and science and technology parks working in relevant academic research has been planned to enable them to become international and provide access to new emerging markets.

This agreement with the University of Texas in Austin includes three PhD programs (in Digital Content, Advanced Computing, and Mathematics) and an annual Professional Master program in digital content. It also includes research activities and technology and knowledge transfer between universities, the scientific and technology system and companies.

Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) signed the respective collaboration agreement which also involves 15 universities and their respective affiliated research units in the thematic areas considered, 3 Associate Laboratories, 4 science and technology parks, the Innovation Agency and the Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). UMIC is chiefly involved in the Digital Content and Advanced Computing areas, especially in terms of contributions to national policies for the Information Society and Grid Computing.

An agreement was also signed with the FCT, 9 companies, the Casa da Música Foundation and the Serralves Foundation, affiliating these bodies to the UT Austin – Portugal Program.

On the 12th of July 2007, it was announced (text in Portuguese) that the enterprise YDreams had decided to set up a new centre of operations in Austin, USA, strengthening its participation in the UT Austin – Portugal Program.

The President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) represents Portugal on the Board of Directors of the International Co-Laboratory for Emerging Technologies, together with the President of the Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) and the two co-directors of the Co-Laboratory. UMIC representatives are also part of the operational directorates for the Digital Content and Advanced Computing areas.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )