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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Enterprise  > Statistics  > Graphs and Tables - Enterprise

Graphs and Tables - Enterprise

eBusiness in Large Enterprises of EU Member States
(without financial sector)
2010, 1st quarter (%)

Alternative access: eBusiness in Large Enterprises of EU Member States - contains data table and graph - (xls | 63KB)
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eBusiness in Large Enterprises of EU Member States, 2010, 1st quarter (%)

eBusiness in all enterprises of EU Member States
(SMEs and Large Enterprises, without financial sector)
2010, 1st quarter (%)

Alternative access: eBusiness in all enterprises of EU Member States - contains data table and graph - (xls | 63KB)
click the image below to amplify

eBusiness in all enterprises of EU Member States, 2010, 1st quarter (%)

Enterprises receiving orders online
% enterprises

Alternative access: Enterprises receiving orders online  - contains data table and graph - (xls | 37KB)
click the image below to amplify

Enterprises receiving orders online , % enterprises

┴ Break of series from 2008 to 2009, following and harmonization in the EU, which included the enlargement of the economic actiities previously
considered in the survey, namely by encluding "restauration" and "electricity, gas and vapor, water supply, sewage, residue management",
among others.
Source: Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

Enterprises filling in and sending electronic forms to the Public Administration through the Internet
% enterprises

Alternative access: Enterprises filling in and sending electronic forms to the Public Administration through the Internet - contains data table and graph - (xls | 37KB)
click the image below to amplify

Enterprises filling in and sending electronic forms to the Public Administration through the Internet, % enterprises
Last updated ( 29/04/2011 )