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Advanced Broadband Services

Logotype of Next Generation networks (RNG), Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) organised a workshopon 14th July 2006 on the following topic: Developing Broadband Services – from the Installation of Infrastructures to Effective Use of Advanced Services The work was organised around two types of cases: local and regional networks, and national research and education networks.

Cases in other countries were presented at the workshop, namely those of municipal broadband networks in the United States of America, local public broadband networks in various regions of France and fibre-optic networks in the cities of Almere in the Netherlands and Stockholm in Sweden.

In addition to the Portuguese participants in digital cities and regions projects, higher education institutions, companies, the FCCN - Foundation for National Scientific Computation and UMIC, the following foreign participants took part in the workshop:

  • Marvin Sirbu, Professor of Public Telecommunications Management and Policies at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), founder of CMU’s Information Networking Institute;
  • Davyd Lange, General Director of Axione, a French company specialising in broadband network management, which currently manages seven local public services: Gonfreville, Limousin, Loire, Maine-et-Loire, Pau, Quimper, Sarthe;
  • Dolf Zantinge, Director of UNET, a Dutch company supplying innovative broadband services, including those for the city of Almere;
  • Staffan Lundgren, CEO of STOKAB, the Stockholm city company responsible for the city’s fibre optic network.

The objective behind the workshop was to consolidate knowledge of innovative ways of making advanced broadband information systems available and managing them, as well as strategically analysing this type of services, centred on some of the most interesting international examples.

Documents on the presentations are available by following the links on the Programme:

Fostering Services over Broadband (SoB):
Benchmarking Portuguese cases against international experiences

From Infrastructure Deployment to the Effective Usage of Advanced Information Services
July 14th, Oeiras, Portugal
Venue: Núcleo Central, TagusPark
(by invitation only)

09.00 Introduction: Looking at SoB in Portugal - presentation of case studies, Pedro Ferreira, Board of Directors, Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)

SoB Team 1: The case of publicly-owned local and regional networks
SoB Team 2: The case of national research and higher education networks

09.30 Learning from international experiences in SoB deployment
Chair: Manuel Ricou, Board of Directors, Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Rapporteur: Elisabete Fei, Project Manager, Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)

PART I: Case studies from the US and Sweden

Municipal Broadband to the premises: cases from the United States
Marvin Sirbu, Professor EPP & ECE, Carnegie Mellon University

Broadband deployment in the Stockholm region
Staffan Lundgren, CEO, STOKAB

10.45 Coffee-Break

11.00 PART II: Case studies from France and Holland

Broadband telecommunications approach in France
Davy Lange, Director Général Adjoint, Axione
Nicolas Beaufort, Développement International et Grandes Affaires, Axione

Fibre to the home in Almere
Dolf Zantinge, Director, UNET

12.15 Working Session over Lunch: Promoting SoB in Portugal-Which strategies to meet the challenges

14.15 Overview of conclusions and discussion: presentations by SoB Teams

Chair: Pedro Ferreira, Board of Directors, Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Rapporteur: João Vasconcelos, Project Manager, Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)

Presentation by SoB Team 1: publicly-owned local and regional networks
Presentation by SoB Team 2: national research and higher education networks

Carlos Brazão, General Director, CISCO Systems, Portugal

15.45 Closing Remarks
Luís Magalhães, President, Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)

Last updated ( 21/03/2011 )