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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Knowledge Networks  > News  > Launching of CMU – Portugal Program

Launching of CMU – Portugal Program

CMU – Carnegie Mellon University Logotype On 27th October 2006, the CMU – Portugal Program agreements were signed in Aveiro. This comes under the Government’s current work to strengthen scientific and technological cooperation with institutions of recognised international merit in a way that enables innovative projects that effectively help boost scientific and advanced training capability in Portugal.

The CMU - Portugal Program, which focuses on Information and Communication Technologies, is based around the joint development of a virtual international institute by CMU – Carnegie Mellon University and Portugal, called the Information and Communication Technologies Institute(ICTI, which will operate out of two campuses: ICTI@Portugal and ICTI @CMU.

The adopted cooperation model is based on advanced education programmes and research programmes, namely three annual advanced Professional Master training programmes with a joint degree awarded by the CMU and a Portuguese university (Software Engineering, Information networking, Information Security), five PhD programmes with a joint degree (Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Language Technology, Technical Change and Innovation, Mathematics) and research programmes (Software Engineering, Information Networking, Information Security, Critical Infrastructures and Risk Assessment, Computational Language, Technical Change and Innovation, Mathematics).

Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) signed the respective collaboration agreement encompassing 12 higher education institutions (11 universities and 1 polytechnic institution) and their respective affiliated research centres and units in the thematic areas involved, 4 Associated Laboratories, ISQ – Institute for Welding and Quality, and the FCCN – Foundation for National Scientific Computation. UMIC is principally involved in the Technology, Innovation and Public Policies area, in particular in the sub area of Public Policies for Online Industries and Software and in the topic of Telecommunications Policies and Management.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )