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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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ICT Academies

Higher education ICT Academies prioritise vocational training in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the corresponding internationally-recognised certification based on widely-recognised training programmes, prepared by companies of international standing in the areas of ICT.

The higher education ICT Academies initiative was launched in 2006 by Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), with initial preparatory work with Cisco Systems Inc. and Microsoft so as to promote the supply of the aforementioned training in higher education institutions, focussing on polytechnic institutes in particular.

The Information Society action programme Connecting Portugal targets the stimulation of ICT training and skill development, improving supply for different audiences, acquisition of technological skills by young people that are crucial for the modern job market, as well as recognition and accreditation of skills gained.

In this context, and given the fact that there is a shortage of ICT professionals in Portugal, the aim is to set up and operate ICT Academies in conjunction with companies in the sector that have ICT vocational training and certification programmes, together with polytechnics and universities.

The objective is also for these initiatives to foster the creation of local networks that galvanise ICT skills, bringing in higher education institutions, elementary and secondary schools, job training and support institutions, social development institutions, entrepreneurial associations and companies.

Although the ICT Academies project was initially prepared with Cisco Systems Inc., its first formal appearance was in the guise of the Microsoft IT Academies, based on a protocol signed by UMIC and Microsoft on 30th November 2007.

There are currently 8 Microsoft IT Academies in Portugal, namely at the following institutions: Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Castelo Branco, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Fundação Minerva, at Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, ATEC – Escola Profissional – Porto, Coptécnica Gustav Eiffel – Amadora, FORINO – Escola Profissional – Lisbon. 14 new Microsoft Academies are planned to open in 2008.

On 9th May 2008, on the occasion of the inauguration of the Centro Hércules, Cisco chose Portugal and joined the ICT Academies promoted by UMIC for Higher Education, thereby agreeing to include Cisco Networking Academies in the UMIC higher education ICT Academies initiative. Plans are for 250 new Cisco Networking Academies to open in Portugal.

Another initiative that addresses extending vocational training in higher education institutions is the CET – Technological Specialisation Courses range, which pass on level 4, post-secondary, non-higher education training. Successfully passing these courses leads to a Technological Specialisation Diploma (DET), which gives access to a Professional Aptitude Certificate issued under the National Professional Certification System, as per the conditions laid down in Regulatory Decree No. 68/94 (text in Portuguese), of 26th November. Decree Law No. 88/2006 (text in Portuguese), of 23rd May, advocated major reorganisation of CETs as regards access, the training structure, the possibility of gaining a DET upon assessment of acquired skills and entry conditions for higher education for those holding the diplomas.

As of August 2008,there were 91 CETs registered in higher education institutions in ICT fields. These were set up over the 2007-2008 period (35% of all CETs in all areas) in 30 locations and involving 31 institutions. 71 of the courses were offered at polytechnics and 21 at universities with 83% in the state education system and 17% in the private and cooperative education system. These courses can be broken down into the following topics:

  • 17 in multimedia product development
  • 17 in IT system and network installation and maintenance
  • 8 in automation, robotics and industrial control
  • 9 in IT management applications
  • 7 in information system technologies and programming
  • 6 in geographic information systems
  • 4 in software development and system administration
  • 3 in industrial maintenance (electronics and automation)
  • 3 in mechatronic technology
  • 2 in naval electronics and automation
  • 2 in website construction and administration
  • 2 in electronic systems and computers
  • 2 in telecommunications and networks
  • 1 in each of the following areas: Industrial automation and instrumentation, industrial automation and maintenance, information system development, electronics and telecommunications, IT network and systems management, informatics, designing and installing local computer networks, specialist database technician, topography and geographic information systems.

The range of CETs in ICT has expanded greatly in recent years. In actual fact, there were 32 CETs in 11 locations, 16 higher education institutions and 8 topics in 2005.

Last updated ( 21/02/2011 )