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Research and Policy Workshops in Lisbon on Science, Technology and Social Change

Logotipo da Presidência Portuguesa da UE – Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino SuperiorDuring the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union, in the second half of 2007, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education organized a series of workshops on emerging policy topics in Science and Technology and processes related to social change. The aim of these workshops was to propose and discuss new informed ways of dealing with specific topics that are faced when drawing up policies, which often require multidisciplinary perspectives concerning the interactions and connections between science and technology and society, as well as between higher education and the social contexts of research, innovation and entrepreneurship.

The working language in these workshops was English. Each lasted from one day to a day and a half. Each of the workshops discussed a policy document and a selected number of research papers, presented by invited speakers. Each presentation was followed by a period of discussion. Attendees included invited experts from abroad and people from various national contexts. Policy papers and a selected number of research articles were to be edited for publication by an international publisher.

Programme of Workshops in Lisbon on Research and Policies concerning Science, Technology and Social Change:

Workshop 1 - High Tech Entrepreneurship: Implications for Science Policy and Education (5-6 July 2007)

Workshop 2 - Real science, reliable knowledge and the complementarily of “open science” and property knowledge? … continuing an exploration on the role of public policy and of the grounds for belief in science after John Ziman (1-2 October 2007)

Workshop 3 - Revisiting polytechnic and vocational education? ... Looking at the complex nature of diversified higher education systems and their relation with new challenges in science and technology (15-16 October 2007)

Workshop 4 - Technologies, contents and services for social inclusion: Facing the digital divide and the emergence of ambient assisted living (29-30 October 2007)

Workshop 5 - What is the potential of new financing schemes for fostering science and technological innovation? … Balancing private and public, national and global incentives (12-13 November 2007)

Workshop 6 - Why do we need graduate schools to enlighten science and promote research universities? ... a dialogue across different experiences in Europe (10-11 December 2007)


Lisbon Research and Policy Workshops on “Science, Technology and Social Change” >>

Last updated ( 17/05/2011 )