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Home  > Public Services  > Projects  > Electronic Voting  > 2005 Parliamentary Elections Results

2005 European Election Results

Just as in the 2004 European Elections, the 2005 Legislative Election pilot project was audited, in this case by researchers at the Universidade do Porto’s Faculty of Engineering. They presented reports on each of the technologies and a summary report:

The number of voters who took part in the in-person e-Voting in each of the five parishes is indicated in the following table:

No. Participants per Parish
Parish/Voting Location Registered Voters Electronic Votes%
Santos o Velho (Lisbon) 4,594 2,904 84929%
S. Sebastião (Lisbon) 7,240 4,965 1,633 33%
Coração de Jesus (Lisbon) 5,123 3,259 1,224 38%
Conceição (Covilhã) 7,066 5,056 1,233 24%
Santa Iria de Azóia 13,966 10,331 3,885 38%
Sociedade Recreativa 1º de Agosto Santairiense 1,619 1,199 43336%
Casa da Cultura de Santa Iria da Azóia 1,792 1,375 57742%
Elementary School no. 1 2,277 1,694 58234%
Grupo Desportivo de Pirescoxe 1,635 1,264 61749%
Elementary School no. 2 1,950 1,411 51036%
Atlético de Via Rara AVR 1,746 1,277 >68554%
AMUPA 2,947 2,111 48123%
TOTAL 37,989 26,515 8,824 33%

Participation in remote e-Voting was as follows:

No. Participants in remote e-Voting
Electoral Ward Electronic Votes Voters%
Europe 2,881 75,588 4%
Outside Europe 1,486 71,692 2%
TOTAL 4,367 147,280 3%

The National Data Protection Committee (CNPD) approved a guideline through a Deliberation Approved at CNPD Session on 14 November 2005, entitled “Voter Privacy in E-Voting”, which refers to the e-Voting pilot project in the 2005 Legislative Elections.

Last updated ( 16/03/2011 )