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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Inclusion and Accessibility  > News  > New Degree Course in Rehabilitation Engineering and Human Accessibility

New Degree Course in Rehabilitation Engineering and Human Accessibility

Logotype of UMIC’s Access Program The Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) is opening a new Degree Course in Rehabilitation Engineering and Human Accessibility for the 2007/08 academic year. This Bologna-compliant degree course lasts three years and aims to train the first graduates in Europe with this type of basic training for 2010.

Several other Portuguese higher education establishments have introduced these subjects on their curricula, namely on different Biomedical, Biomechanical and Ergonomic Engineering courses, as well as on courses on Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies regarding people-computer interface accessibility.

The objectives of the degree course being started at UTAD follow the National Plan to Promote Accessibility (text in Portuguese) and the European initiative i2010: Independent Living for the Ageing Society, following on from concerns developed in Portugal via Council of Ministers' Resolution No. 96/99 (text in Portuguese) of 25th August and pursued through Council of Ministers' Resolution No.110/2003 (text in Portuguese) of 12th August 2003.

For more information on UTAD’s Degree Course in Rehabilitation Engineering and Human Accessibility,contact the CERTIC – Information and Communication Technology Rehabilitation Centre Coordinator, Prof. Francisco Godinho,
Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )