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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Graphs and Tables - Education and Training

Schools connected to the Internet via Science Technology and Society Network
% of schools by the end of the scholar year indicated, ISDN and broadband connections, 1997/98-2007/08.

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Schools connected to the Internet via Science Technology and Society Network, % of schools by the end of the scholar year indicated, ISDN and broadband connections, 1997/98-2007/08

Source: GEPE - Office for Education Statistics and Planning, FCCN - Foundation for National Scientific Computation.

No. of Students per Computer in Elementary and Secondary Education (Total, w/ Internet connection)
No. in the academic year beginning in the indicated year.

Alternative access: No. of Students per Computer in Elementary and Secondary Education (Total, w/ Internet connection) - contains data table and graph - (xls | 29KB)
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No. of Students per Computer in Elementary and Secondary Education (Total, w/ Internet connection), No. in the academic year beginning in the indicated year

Source: GEPE - Office for Education Statistics and Planning.

Internet users by complete education level in the EU Member States
2010, (%) People from 16 to 74 years old.

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Internet users by complete education level in the EU Member States, 2010, (%) People from 16 to 74 years old

Note: Data refer to 1st quarter of each year.

Internet users by main occupation among EU Member States
2010, (%) People from 16 to 74 years old.

Alternative access: Internet users by main occupation among EU Member States - contains data table and graph - (xls | 29KB)
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Internet users by main occupation among EU Member States, 2009, (%) People from 16 to 74 years old

Note: Data references 1st quarter of the year.

Internet users, by age and complete education level
(%) Total population in each group

Alternative access: Internet users, by age and complete education level - contains data table and graph - (xls | 29KB)
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Internet users, by age and complete education level, (%) Internet users

Note: Data refer to 1st quarter of each year.

Last updated ( 16/05/2011 )