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EUROHORCS High Level Workshop

Logo of EUROHORCS – European Heads of Research Councils A High Level Workshop took place on 17-18 January in Lisbon, co-organised by the Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education of Portugal and by EUROHORCS – European Heads of Research Councils, bringing together members of the Governments of various European countries responsible for Science, the Director-General for Research of the European Commission and members of EUROHORCS, with the aim of discussing research policies and the need to create new instruments within the scope of the financing and executive organisations which form part of EUROHORCS.

Besides the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, the President of FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, who is also a member of EUROHORCS and the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) participated in the meeting.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )