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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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SAS and LPI Join the ICT Academies Promoted by UMIC in Higher Education Institutions

Logotype of the European e-Skills Week

As part of the initiatives taken in the 1st e-Skills European Week, the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) signed on 9 March 2010, in the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, two new protocols to pursue the implementation of the ICT Academies in Higher Education Institutions initiative launched in 2007. These protocols are designed to foster in institutions of higher education opportunities for professional training in areas of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

One of the protocols was signed with SAS Portugal allows the ICT Academies in Higher Institutions to provide training and certification in management and business analysis technologies, an innovative area and characterized by an increasing demand in the labor market. This protocol provides for practical training and professional certification in advanced software for the analysis of a company business, covering areas of engineering, economics, medicine, marketing, energy, environment and social sciences, among others.

"In our contact with the business market in these 15 years of existence of SAS Portugal, we found that one of the barriers to business development was the lack of training in technology analysis. SAS has developed initiatives to encourage qualified practitioners in this field, and it is with great expectation and commitment the we participate in this project with UMIC, contributing to the competitiveness of Portuguese future professionals”, said Álvaro Oliveira de Faria, Director-General of SAS Portugal.

For Luis Magalhães, President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), "the ultimate aim of this protocol is to promote new opportunities for vocational training in information and communication technologies, strengthening the links of institutions of higher education with businesses and with the communities within which they operate, and enhancing employability of human resources. SAS is a strong ally in the actions taken to achieve this objective, due to its advanced technology business analysis and the know-how and the strong relationships it has with educational institutions, both in Portugal and worldwide”.

The other protocol is now signed with the LPI – Linux Professional Institute and aims to promote training and certification of skills in the use of Linux, open source technologies and free software in the institutions of higher education. The academic contracts to be established under this protocol will allow the free use of the LPI system as well as facilitated conditions for the training and certification of trainers and trainees.

To Diogo Rebelo, Director General of dri - Master Affiliate of the IPL in Portugal, "this protocol will not only enable the university community to acquire and certify their expertise in Linux, but it will also contribute decisively to the development and consolidation of technology open source in Portugal. "

For Luis Magalhães, President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), "with LPI joining the ICT Academies in Higher Education Institutions organized by UMIC, these academies can now provide training and certification of skills in key areas of technology open source and free software, which are having a growing demand both in the private and public sectors".

About the two protocols, Luis Magalhães adds: "These partnerships demonstrate once again the availability of Portuguese firms to contribute to new training initiatives aimed at improving competitiveness and productivity of our businesses."

The ICT Academies in Higher Education Institutions aim at vocational training in ICT and its internationally recognized certification, at universities and polytechnics, based on training programs prepared by companies of international importance. The two companies that now signed with UMIC protocols joining the ICT Academies in Higher Education Institutions enlarge the group of four that had joined before this initiative of UMIC: Microsoft (30th November 2007), Cisco Systems Inc. (9th May 2008), Sun Microsystems (18th May 2009) and SAP (14th September 2009).

The week from the 1st to the 5th of March was elected by the European Commission as 1st e-Skills European Week, with the aim of promoting awareness of the importance of skills development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This initiative was launched by DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission and involved close to 20 countries. There are three key messages associated with the launching of this week: the contribution of ICT to employability, the attractiveness of careers in ICT, the role of ICT for business competitiveness.

The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), as the public agency with the mission to coordinate information society policies and its mobilization by promoting dissemination, research and qualification activities, joined the European Commission initiative by promoting 15 activities about the ICT Academies in Higher Education across the country, and conducting more than 130 actions on e-skills throughout the country, in the close to 1,170 Public Internet Access Points of the Internet Spaces Network. These activities included the awarding of Basic Skills in Information Technology Diplomas. The complete list of activities planned is available in the news published on the Internet about the 1st e-Skills European Week.

It is also worth noting the new reality on ICT skills vocational training in Technological Specialization Courses (CET) created in universities and polytechnics, which now involve more than 60 courses in effective operation in areas of ICT, with more than 2,200 students. These courses give post-secondary education of level 4, and their successful conclusion provides a technological specialization diploma giving access to a Professional Aptitude Certificate issued under the National System of Professional Certification. At present, these courses are offered in 18 locations, by 28 institutions, with 44 courses in polytechnics and 16 at universities. 89% of these courses are in institutions of public education and 11% in private and cooperative institutions. The offer of Technological Specialization Courses in ICT by higher education institutions had a major expansion in recent years, given that in 2005 there were about 30 CET registered, in 11 locations, offered by 16 institutions, and not all of them in effective operation.

The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) promoted activities aimed at the population within the 1st European Week of Competence in ICT (e-Skills) established by the Commission for the period from 1 to 5 March, from the start this week (see Week 1 European ICT Skills (e-Skills)). Thus, together with a network of internet, UMIC promoted from 1 to March 13, 2010, conducting about 120 shares of ICT skills in various parts of the country, a part of the estimated 1170 spaces existing Internet, including the awarding of Basic Skills in Information Technology (DCB). It will be available the complete list of activities planned in the news about the 1st European Week of Skills in ICT (e-Skills) published in the portal network of internet.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )