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Harvard Medical School presents Assessment of Collaboration Opportunities with Portugal

Harvard Medical School logo The University of Harvard’s Harvard Medical School (USA) presented the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES) with its report assessing the potential for collaboration with Portuguese university and research institutions, entitled Research and Education Collaboration: Assessment. This document is being made publicly available today and the MCTES will accept any contributions from interested Portuguese institutions, namely scientific and technological institutions, university institutions, National Health System companies and institutions until the end of January 2008, which it will forward to the Harvard Medical School for assessment.

As foreseen under the protocol of collaboration signed in April 2007, when the Harvard – Portugal Program was launched in the scope of the Partnerships for the Future scheme, the assessment exercise involved various experts and departments from the Harvard Medical School, who visited various Portuguese institutions, namely seven medical faculties, Associated Laboratories and the main biomedical science research centres, and then discussed several proposals put forward over the previous months by Portuguese consortia.

Part of this process included a workshop held in July 2005, with participants from university and research institutions, foundations and entrepreneurial entities in the biomedical and medical field, and Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC). This was accompanied by final meetings with these entities and various national experts and the Ministry of Health.

The result of the work is the scientific assessment of the collaboration opportunities between Portuguese institutions and the Harvard Medical School, which will act as the basis for agreements to be signed in the near future, also taking into account the results from the public consultation that is starting now.

The assessment report presented by the Harvard Medical School underscored various strong points in education and research in the different areas of biomedical sciences and health in Portugal. Special emphasis was given to the scientific capability found in Associated Laboratories in Portugal and the following recommendations were identified in terms of collaboration projects with Portuguese institutions:

  • Creation of an advanced training and biomedical research programme, including basic, translational and clinical research, based on the following main aspects:
    • Formation of mixed R&D teams and consortia, to be selected and financed competitively;
    • PhD and MD-PhD programme in biomedical sciences based on a consortium of all Portuguese institutions and involving an ambitious curricular development programme;
    • Clinical research programme with mixed teams;
    • Masters-level training in clinical research for doctors.
  • Production and distribution of medical content for the general public, involving:
    • Production and editing of content, with medical faculties;
    • Distribution platform;
    • Distribution strategy for students, doctors and health services, and for the general public.

The Harvard Medical School report identifies opportunities for scientific and technological cooperation, as well as consolidation of R&D capabilities and post-graduate teaching in national institutions in a international context of excellence, in a way that enhances the value of the Government’s Technological Plan and its Commitment to Science. A coordination plan has been produced which will be analysed over the coming months.

Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), together with the Harvard Medical School and the medical faculties, will coordinate activities associated with the planning and implementation of the national platform for distribution of medical content online so as to meet the objectives outlined in the Connecting Portugal action programme.

The Harvard Medical School has analysed the benefits of creating professional education programmes and research projects in Portugal in health services management, health policies and hospital management.

The partnership with the Harvard Medical School is part of the Partnerships for the Future scheme the Government is carrying out to strengthen scientific and technological cooperation with renowned international institutions. This process currently encompasses the MIT - Portugal Program, CMU - Portugal Program, UT Austin - Portugal Program, Harvard – Portugal Program and Fraunhofer – Portugal Program.

Assessment Report on Potential for Collaboration Assessment Annexes to the report

A. Biographies of Harvard Medical School Team 
B. Launch Meeting and Visits (April 16-19, 2007): Program and Participant List
C. Launch Meeting and Visits (April 16-19, 2007): Presentations
D. Letter of Solicitation for Collaborative Proposals (May 17, 2007)
E. Final Workshop (July 10-12, 2007): Program)
F. Final Workshop (July 10-12, 2007): Letter of Invitation
G. Final Workshop (July 10-12, 2007): Break-Out Group Reports from Preparatory Meetings
H. Letter dated August 23, 2007 from Cynthia Walker, Executive Dean of Harvard Medical School, to Secretary of State Manuel Heitor
I. Letter dated September 25, 2007 from Prof. Jeffrey Flier, Dean of Harvard Medical School, to Secretary of State Manuel Heitor
J. Actions Launched by UMIC – Knowledge Society Agency to Facilitate the Potential Collaboration with Harvard Medical School

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )