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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Emerging Technologies  > News  > 4th CIP–ICT PSP Community Programme Call

4th CIP–ICT PSP Community Programme Call

Logotype of the ICT PSP – ICT Policy Support ProgrammeThe 4th call for projects was launched on 21 January 2010 with a financial envelope of 107 million Euros in the scope of the Community Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Policy Support Programme, otherwise known as CIP–ICT PSP, in the following themes:

  • ICT for a low-carbon economy and smart mobility:
  • Digital libraries;
  • ICT for health and inclusion;
  • Open innovation for future Internet services in Smart Cities;
  • ICTs to improve public services for citizens and Enterprises;
  • Multilingual Internet.

The deadline for tenders for this call ended on 1 June 2010 (at 4pm GMT).

The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) organised an Information Session on the 4th call of the Community CIP–ICT PSP Programme on 27 November 2009 and the European Commission organised an “Infoday” in Brussels on the 4th CIP–ICT PSP Community Programme Call on 14 January 2010, as reported by UMIC on 7 January.

The European Commission organised a specific Infoday in Luxemburg on 4 February 2010 on Theme 2 of the call, CIP IC –PSP Digital Libraries, focussed on “Europeana", open access to scientific information and digitalisation of cultural heritage statistics. Participants had to fill out the respective registration form to take part in the Infoday.

The CIP–ICT PSP supports innovative ICT-based solutions, in particular for specific, close-to-the-market implementation.

See also:
Additional information
2010 Work Programme
Ten Steps to a Successful CIP Proposal, by Frans de Bruïne, UMIC Consultant and former Director at DGINFSO, European Commission.

Last updated ( 11/03/2011 )