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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Online auction for I.T. equipment procurement for 23 organisms and 7 ministries

In the scope of the National eProcurement Programme, coordinated by Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), an Internet auction was held on the morning on the 9th August 2005 at the Penafiel Palace for I.T equipment procurement for 23 organisms from 7 ministries and three public companies.

This purchase was led by the Secretary General’s Office of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communication (MOPTC), the ministerial body purchasing the most in this action, with support from PSB2B Tradeforum. The other ministries involved showed their interest in joining the process at one of the meetings that the UMIC holds monthly with those in charge of public procurement at the ministries. This collaboration involving a high number of bodies allows the total volume of purchases to be upped, enabling economies of scale. The ministries involved supplied experts to jointly define equipment specifications and monitor the corresponding performance tests.

The equipment covered by the auction includes 1893 PCs, 106 laptops, 28 servers and 553 monitors. The initial figure for negotiation surpassed two million euros, enabling a saving of 27%, to the sum of more than 470 thousand euros.

14 suppliers from the Telematic Catalogue of Public Procurement of the Directorate General for Patrimony in the category of I.T. equipment were invited to the negotiation.

The evaluation committee will now meet to formalise the suppliers who put forward the best bids. This decision shall be made post haste, as all equipment has previously undergone a week’s testing.

In addition to the MOPTC entities, bodies from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the ministries of Justice, Labour and Social Solidarity, the Environment, Spatial Planning and Regional Development, Culture and Science, Technology and Higher Education were involved in this negotiation.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )