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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Online Patent Register

As of 24th September 2007, it is now possible to file for a patent online at the INPI – National Intellectual Property Institute (site in Portuguese) web site. This service will make life easier for citizens and companies, as it requires no travel and cuts costs by 50%.

Portugal has become one of the few European countries where this service is available.

It has been possible to apply for brand registration at the INPI – National Intellectual Property Institute (site in Portuguese) web site since 22nd December 2006. This service has been used a great deal, as 76% of applications for brand registration (13,834) from this date until 19th September 2007 were made online. Modernisation of the services has enabled a sharp fall in the time necessary to approve brand registration: in 2002 the average was 15 months, in 2006 it was halved and in 2007 the current average is below 5 months, which has made Portugal one of the European countries where brands can be registered the quickest.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )