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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Online Services for Companies Create Major Impact

540 companies have been set up online since this service was made available on 30th June 2006 and an average of two companies per day are set up online.

The number of online company registrations has hit 1,500 since the service came on stream on 20th December 2006 and the number of Permanent Certificates issued has surpassed 265,000.

The number of online brand requests has exceeded 13,800 since the service was made available on 22nd December 2007, equating to roughly 80% of all brand registration applications.

New company statutes ceased to be published in paper format in Diário da República as of 1st January 2007 and are now published electronically and automatically online at a cheaper rate. The number of such statutes has surpassed 570,000 and it has been estimated that companies can save between 15 and 17 million euros per year by using this system.

With the Simplified Company Information (IES) service, filing accounts with the four legally foreseen bodies (Tax Office, Commercial Records Office, Portuguese Statistics Office, Bank of Portugal) can now be done in a single declaration on the Internet, including accounts for 2006. More than 158,000 accounts have been filed online since this service was made available on 30th April 2007.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )