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Home  > Emerging Technologies  > News  > 16th European Public Health Conference

16th European Public Health Conference

Health and Innovation in Europe Conference logo The annual meeting of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) takes place from 6 to 8 November 2008 at the Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, Junqueira (formerly the FIL). This year’s event is organised by the Portuguese Association for the Promotion of Public Health (APPSP), a founding member of the aforementioned organisation, and is dedicated to the topic “Health and Innovation in Europe”.

Five plenary sessions are planned in the conference programme, with different parallel sessions, together with the Innovation Fair and European iHealth Innovation Bank exhibitions. Three pre-events are held on the afternoon of the 5 and morning of the 6 November: 1) ASPHER – Association of Public Health Schools in the European Region annual conference; 2) SESPAS – Spanish Public Health and Health Administration Society biannual meeting; 3) APDH – Portuguese Association for Hospital Development and International Hospital Congress annual meeting.

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Last updated ( 25/02/2011 )