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Enterprise ICT Use Data

Logotipo do Observatório da Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento98% of large enterprises (250 or more employees), 90% of medium-sized enterprises (between 50 and 249 employees) and 62% of small enterprises (between 10 and 49 employees) have a broadband Internet connection, putting Portugal in 3rd (alongside four other countries), 10th and 17th place respectively in the EU25 ranking.

100% of large enterprises, 99% of medium-sized enterprises use computers and have an Internet connection. 94% of small enterprises use computers and 80% have an Internet connection.

The first results from the Survey on enterprise Information and Communication Technology Use – 2006 from the INE – National Statistics Institute with the collaboration of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), were published in an INE press release on 22nd December 2006.

The data refers back to January 2006 and the following results are of note:

  • 98% of large enterprises (250 or more employees), 90% of medium-sized enterprises (between 50 and 249 employees) and 62% of small enterprises (between 10 and 49 employees) have a broadband Internet connection, putting Portugal in 3rd (alongside four other countries), 10th and 17th place respectively in the EU25 ranking.
  • 100% of large enterprises, 99% of medium-sized enterprises and 94% of small enterprises use computers.
  • 100% of large enterprises, 99% of medium-sized enterprises and 80% of small enterprises have an Internet connection.
  • 85% of large enterprises, 57% of medium-sized enterprises and 31% of small enterprises have an Internet site.
  • 95% of large enterprises, 83% of medium-sized enterprises and 70% of small enterprises interact with public bodies online.
  • The main uses of the Internet for enterprises dealing with public bodies are: filling in and submitting forms online (65% of enterprises with 10 or more employees), obtaining forms (64%) and obtaining information (64%). These figures lie above the EU25 average, with Portugal in 3rd place in the EU25 ranking for filling in and submitting forms online.

The press release prepared by the INE is available on the Internet.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )