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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007 - 2013)

Logo of the EU Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme A call for tenders was opened in the scope of the Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme (2007-2013) on 29th January 2009 for the following topics and objectives:

  • ICT for health, ageing and Inclusion (ICT for patient-centred health services, Innovative eHealth tools and services in real life – learning together, ICT for ageing well / independent living, e-Accessibility thematic network);
  • Digital Libraries (European Digital Library - services, European Digital Library – aggregating digital content in Europeana, European Digital Library – Digitising content for Europeana, Open access to scientific information, Use of cultural heritage material for education);
  • ICT for government and governance (Enlargement of the e-Procurement Pilot PEPPOL, Enlargement of the e-IDM Pilot STORK, Inclusive eGovernance: flexible, personalised and multi-channel based service delivery targeted at the socially disadvantaged, User Centricity for e-Governance);
  • ICT for energy efficiency and environment (ICT for energy efficiency in social housing, ICT for prevention, alert and rescue to minimise impacts of climate change);
  •  Multilingual Web (Machine translation for the multilingual web, Multilingual Web content management: standards and best practices, Multilingual Web content management: methods, tools and processes);
  • Public Sector information (Legal aspects of Public Sector Information, Geographic Information);
  • Internet evolution security, including RFID (A European infrastructure for secure information management, Strengthening SME competitive advantage through RFID implementation);
  • Open innovation, user experience and living labs (Sharing of best practice across European Living Labs involving SMEs as key user- and provider-participants).
Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )