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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > About UMIC  > Board of Directors  > Graça Simões, Member of the Board of Directors

Graça Simões, Member of the Board of Directors

Presently: Member of the Board of Directors of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education; Member of the eInclusion Subgroup of i2010 and of the eSkills Subgroup of i2010 of the European Union; Member the Higher Council for Statistics; Counselor for the Ministerial Commission for Equality and Women’s Rights; Assistant Professora at Faculty of Social and Human Sciencies Faculdade (FCSH) of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), where she teaches and is a researcher since 1986.

Formerly: Member of the Directors Board of the Center of Communication and Languages (2005); Responsible for the PhD and Master Seminar on "Cyberspace, Media and Interaction" (2001-05); Member of the Board of Directors of Sopcom – Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (2001-04); Vice-President of the Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) (the Portuguese research council and research funding organization) (1997-2001); National Delegate to the 5th Framework Program of RTD "Increasing the Human Potential on Research and the Socio-Economic Knowledge Base (1998-2002) and Expert-member of the European Commission Working Group On Improving Mobility of Researchers (2000-01); Member of the Instalation Commission of the Science and Technology Observatory (OCT) (1996-97).

University degrees: PhD (1996) in Communication Sciences by the FCSH of UNL; Master in regional and Urban Planning (1987) by Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL); Civil Engineer – Urbanization and Transports (1980) by Instituto Superior Técnico (IST).

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )