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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Knowledge  > News  > Search on for a Director and Qualified Staff for the Fraunhofer Centre/Institute in Portugal

Search on for a Director and Qualified Staff for the Fraunhofer Centre/Institute in Portugal

FhG – Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Logotype The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) and the Fraunhofer Company (FhG) signed a scientific and technological cooperation agreement on 18.04.2007 in Portugal. This agreement includes the establishment of a Fraunhofer Centre/Institute in Portugal in the Technologies Applications, Content and Services for Ambient Assisted Living field, which is scheduled for the end of 2007. The Centre/Institute will pay special attention to developing technology, content and services for less qualified citizens, the elderly and citizens with special needs who normally do not follow the development of new technologies and the demands of the emerging Information and Knowledge Society. In the area of applied research for industrial and governmental clients, the Centre/Institute will develop concepts and information and communication technologies for Ambient Assisted Living.

In this context, shows of interest from qualified individuals interested in technical and administrative management positions at the Fraunhofer Centre/Institute in Portugal will be warmly received. The positions include that of the Centre/Institute scientific director, which is a post that will also include lecturing duties in information and communication technologies at a Portuguese university. It is hoped that the Fraunhofer Centre/Institute director will be involved in both research and lecturing as part of their university activities.

Candidates from universities or industry with excellent research qualifications in the information and communication technologies field applicable to the topic of Ambient Assisted Living are sought for the position of director of the Centre/Institute. Leadership and entrepreneurial skills are considered as prerequisites in the selection process for the director of the Centre/Institute. The ideal candidate will have to demonstrate the ability to manage the setting up and administration of an applied research Centre/Institute in the scope of the Fraunhofer Company. Preference will be given to bilingual candidates (German and Portuguese). A good knowledge of English is also required. Candidates should be available for interview in Portugal or Germany during the second fortnight in July.

Shows of interest should be sent to the Fraunhofer – Portugal Cooperation Agreement Management Committee, preferably before 14th July, for the attention of:

Prof. Dr. José L. Encarnação
c/o INI-GraphicsNet Foundation
Rundeturmstraße, Darmstadt, Germany
Tel. +49 6151 155 130
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Prof. Dr. Guedes de Oliveira
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 378, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Tel.: +351 222 094 041
e-mail: This email address is protected against spam bots. You will need to have Javascript enabled to view it.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )